Example sentences of "her with [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There had even been times when he 'd found himself imagining her with no clothes on at all — the way he had once seen Peggy Podmore — and felt the same keen desire well up in him .
2 ‘ I am ready , ’ he announced , pulling himself to the edge of the pool and looking down at her with no expression on his face to give her any clue about his attitude .
3 Finn still carried her with no sign of fatigue .
4 Her doctor , Helen Soteriou , said it had left her with no resources for her final battle against serious illness .
5 Now the doubts in her mind were obliterated as a searing excitement took over , leaving her with no thought of evasion , no thought of anything but to respond completely , to enjoy the strength and purpose , the seductive presence of Rune Christensen , filling her senses with him , tasting , touching … enjoying …
6 He rode on toward her with no change of pace , getting quite close before he spoke .
7 At first she had travelled first class and stayed in only the best hotels , but McKenna had found her with no trouble at all .
8 Sarah closed her eyes when he lifted her nightdress and entered her with no show of sentiment .
9 Guido was inviting her with a wave of his hand to take a seat on one of the sofas — there were four , all in soft pastel colours and piled with cushions .
10 He looked at her with a smile on his wide , open face .
11 She had dreamt about him that night , she remembered , and in her dream he had looked at her with a smile of recognition .
12 Guido turned and paused to confront her with a smile in the doorway of his bedroom .
13 But as soon as she walked in to see Keith he had faced her with a heap of newspaper and snippets of video-recordings .
14 Rather desperately , Celia steered the conversation round to her and Brian 's new house in the country , how Alison and Geoffrey must come and stay , that they would be less than fifty miles apart ; while Alison , obviously thankful to turn to less delicate matters , regaled her with a description of all she had been doing in her garden and some rather dull anecdotes about the neighbours whom Celia and Brian had met on their last visit .
15 ‘ Oh , I 'm sorry , I did n't meant to imply … to insult — ’ Belinda began , but he silenced her with a pat on the knee that made her tingle frighteningly all over .
16 ‘ I doubt if there are words to describe how it makes me feel , ’ he told her with a glimmer of the wry mockery back in his eyes .
17 Gaynor Wynne was filming her with a camcorder during a champagne reception at the Imperial Hotel .
18 Miss Snoot moves as if to draw the curtains , but her father forbids her with a shake of his head .
19 What happened at Abbotsfield that summer left her with a distaste for all religions , not just Christianity .
20 And that faced her with a course of action which , for some obscure reason , seemed rather distasteful now .
21 She left abruptly and Emily closed the door after her with a sigh of relief .
22 She closed the door behind her with a sigh of relief .
23 While he was doing a little more manipulation of the bones before the plaster set , she got ready an injection of antibiotic and he took it from her with a nod of approval .
24 Rachel watched him and felt the dam burst , smashing back the last barriers to her soul , and flooding her with a rush of overwhelming emotion .
25 When he came , it was an anticlimax , but she squealed anyway and clung to him as if he 'd showered her with a gallon of spunk .
26 Even Charity thought she might have gone too far , though she did n't admit it to Clarissa , rallying her with a drink from Mona 's hamper .
27 The bird answered her with a burst of violent song .
28 She enjoyed attending to the whitewashed chapel where compulsory prayers were conducted three times a day and did not feel ill-used when Mrs Prynn chastised her with a whip for letting slip a blasphemy or lying abed longer than she ought .
29 Here , Mrs Pettifer began to interject but the small gentleman silenced her with a flap of the wrist which was altogether not very gentlemanly and proved too much for the great lady detective who made a more purposeful interjection of her own .
30 She was working as a petrol station cashier when armed robbers threatened her with a knife during a raid .
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