Example sentences of "her and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Uncontrollable sobs broke from her and echoed on the night .
2 She had bent to hug her daughter , relief pouring through her and mingling with the joy that always sang in her veins whenever she held her precious bundle in her arms .
3 An arm was slipped under her shoulders , lifting her ; then something was wrapped round her and fastened at the throat .
4 Aunt Margaret glanced round for something with which to distract her and darted to the corner where the cage was .
5 Suddenly , he shrugged his strong shoulders , before deliberately turning his back on her and strolling from the room .
6 The shop-woman smiled at her and asked after the bereaved family .
7 Exulting in her escape , she closed the outer door behind her and made for the great outdoors like a child let out of school .
8 She wept softly , while he held her and believed in the augury that this happiness could not possibly end in death on a battlefield , for such an end would be against all that was good and sweet and lovely in the world .
9 He released her and walked to the parked car .
10 Matthew turned his eyes away from her and walked to the window at the end of the drawing-room .
11 She wrapped a towel around her and ran to the sitting-room , swearing under her breath .
12 Laughing , she dodged his attempts to catch her and ran to the door .
13 She turned from her and ran down the stairs and into the yard , there to stand for a moment petrified when she saw the young fellow lying on his side , the blood oozing from somewhere above his ear .
14 I wish I could have said that she was sweetly understanding , but she looked at me as if I were an incubus that had raped her and scraped along the brickwork , desperate to get past .
15 Maggie let go of her and called up the stairs .
16 Dada took the book from her and looked at the first page .
17 Ten minutes later in the gymnasium downstairs Lee reflected that if she threw one of the dumb-bells she was using at the wall-sized mirror and it shattered into a hundred pieces around a central trauma , she would wake herself up and everybody around her and get into the local papers .
18 Jenna grinned at her and got into the car , looking around with pleasure as Marguerite reversed from the garage and turned to the track .
19 Sapped of all energy , Belinda fell listlessly through the door , let it drift shut behind her and slumped on the bed , utterly confused about what had just happened .
20 She turned up the volume of the calypso tape Elaine had given her and sang at the top of her voice , thinking about whether to have a formal dinner party for the charity night , as Pauline suggested , or a more casual fancy-dress party on Halloween , which was what she would prefer .
21 Ace , holstering her gun , brushed past her and loped towards the doorway .
22 ‘ Shelley — ’ But the last stroke had sounded , its echo drifting away into the night , and with a frown of anxiety , he pulled himself away from her and disappeared through the door .
23 She sat on the corner of the old sofa with her legs folded under her and stared at the window , willing the oil lamp not to sputter and distort the sounds that belonged to the night : the true night that lay outside in the garden and the valley and held dominion over the hills .
24 Dad heard her and came down the stairs .
25 I did not know what it could be , but I tried to reassure her and went up the road to where the policeman lived .
26 The second man released her and went into the hall to collect two coats and a hat .
27 Then , with a sound of disgust , Feargal pushed past her and went into the house .
28 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
29 If he had turned from her and rushed from the room , banging the door after him , she would not have felt half as afraid as when he backed slowly from her , his arm bent and his forefinger wagging at her .
30 ‘ Ah Christ , ’ he says , leaving her and stomping round the room .
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