Example sentences of "because he [vb -s] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
2 Unfortunately , I suspect because he fears a reaction from his neighbours , and I 'm afraid he 's right .
3 We 've protected his identity because he fears the sack for speaking out .
4 Some people may not want to send Christmas cards or eat meat at least once a week ( two of Townsend 's indicators of conventional British life ) : the implication is that Townsend grossly exaggerates the incidence of poverty because he ignores the fact that people may choose to do without such things .
5 Sippl , who rues the fact the Unix industry ca n't agree on a common desktop interface , reflects that it 's ‘ scary that one vendor [ Novell Inc ] is about to take over what we spent a decade building ’ largely because he offers the customer homogeneity .
6 Sippl , who rues the fact the Unix industry ca n't agree on a common desktop interface ( UX No 426 ) , reflects that it 's ‘ scary that one vendor is about to take over what we spent a decade building ’ largely because he offers the customer homogeneity .
7 Yet the very specially acute sense of deprivation found in the shorter of the two versions to be examined here argues the recognition of the possibility of the presence of just such joy ; " absence is not non-existence , and we are therefore entitled to repeat , " " come , come , come , come : " " " and both Rolle 's meditations on the Passion are such powerful works precisely because he enacts a sense of the gap between the body of sin and the joy of God and a longing to close it through penitence and love .
8 So it 's no wonder the 12-year-old multi-millionaire who plays Kevin McAllister in the film is smiling because he gets a cut every time a till jingles with another toy , poster or T-shirt sold .
9 I ca n't just exorcize a person because he tells a lie . "
10 No , that is from the computer but he gave it to me because he uses the monitor .
11 Perhaps because he plays the field .
12 Hickery Holler , so named because he hiccups a lot and hollers when he wants feeding , was born to first time mother , Menga in captivity at the park .
13 Maybe I liked the Mystery Man because he represents no threat — he would never have time for someone as ordinary as me . ’
14 His son is probably the guy in the Guinness Draught ad , who is no tourist because he speaks the lingo .
15 The author succeeds in this difficult task , mainly because he takes the trouble to understand a topic thoroughly before writing about it .
16 Because he thinks a woman is not gon na get up and smack him in the face .
17 If he thinks he is in an adult-adult transaction while the follower has moved to a child-parent response , because he thinks the leader is refusing to accept the point he is making , communication has ceased .
18 An MP has called for a total ban on tobacco advertising because he says the industry 's voluntary code is a waste of time .
19 On the other hand , a fraudulent statement to a third party is unlawful means even though the third party could not sue for tort because he suffers no damage .
20 He reckons it 's only because he loves the world and the people he knows that he hates the prevailing ‘ world order ’ .
21 " Do you suppose the man , whoever he is , puts the roots out there because he has a kind heart ?
22 I 'll tell Dad though because he has a right to know . ’
23 The most expensive horse is usually the well-schooled one between five and eight years of age , because he has a combination of youth and experience .
24 What he describes is a series of patrilineal descent groups , each person necessarily belonging to one because he has a father ; and necessarily belonging to only one because he has only one father .
25 But rather than starting straight away with ‘ the facts ’ , he begins with the traditional account of the cause of the wars which he rejects because he has no way of substantiating it .
26 Since the enactment of s 459 1985 , it has been regarded as a better remedy for a minority affected by prejudice in a company to ask for a share purchase order under s 461 rather than to seek a return of share capital through a winding-up petition which results in the liquidation of a solvent company ( a member can not petition under s 122(1) ( g ) if the company is insolvent because he has no interest ) .
27 They suggest that this causes a vicious circle for women : the fear of violence leads women to greater dependency upon a known male ; dependency makes the woman particularly vulnerable to attack from this male , because he has no fear of retaliation ; when women go to the police about such attacks nothing is done ; consequently many women consider that the police are unhelpful , and this reinforces women 's fear of violence and dependence upon individual male protectors .
28 Partly , perhaps , because he has no son .
29 just pure inset , and just headquarters , that 's all they 're interested in , not whether he knows his job or not , not whether he could give advice because he has no control over whatever comes into that shop , he does n't decide we 're not having these T-shirts in or , or we 're not having these suits in because really they 're a load of rubbish , headquarters decides it , all he does is put a nice little display out , usually , and it 's shown how to do it by headquarters and so on , these people come round and show them what to do and so on , do all that , in fact he 's as much expertise in there as I have or you have , anybody could literally with a bit of training in the company way of doing things
30 Because he has the word of assurance from God himself !
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