Example sentences of "because he have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He knew he could get away safely because he had a reading back in London that evening , and it could n't lead to further meetings because he was going away soon .
2 " He went to bed earlier today because he had a cold coming on — or so he said .
3 The others said he cried , but Peter said his eyes were red because he had a cold .
4 Stuart had once been coerced by her into delivering food parcels for old people at Christmas because he had a licence and could drive the university van .
5 At the inquest they said he probably had n't intended to kill himself because he had a return ticket in his pocket .
6 But I could n't let my mother be here , and then it was more for my brother because he had a wife and he it was more for him to be working than er for me really , cos I come to pension age then you see .
7 ‘ Everybody had their suspicions about him , ’ said Jonathan Miller , who worked with him ; ‘ A lot of it you would discount because he had a tendency to engage in rhetorical hyperbole .
8 X. Ray stayed quiet because he had a chance , as would Osvaldo in his place .
9 BOYS GERALD STERLING , 13 , the Conservative candidate , had to cut short his speech because he had a music lesson .
10 because he had a deadline to meet
11 Robert 's mum , a hospital staff nurse , said : ‘ Robert must have been an emergency because he had a vocabulary of four words at the age of three and speech therapy was no good to him because he could n't hear what they were trying to teach him .
12 Because he had a shoulder holster on underneath , of course .
13 But Forest , who only let Walker go in the first place because he had a release clause in his contract , will also be in the hunt .
14 They depended upon him for their pleasure , they admired him because he had a skill they did not , they liked him because he was charming and energetic , but they did not treat him as their equal .
15 She had sent her younger son to a private school because the switch to comprehensives was such a mess and because he had a horror of a huge education factory after his primary school where everybody was known by their first name .
16 He was exempt because he had a heart , an enlarged heart
17 Mr Malik had insisted the staff also appear in uniform since early February , although Robert suspected this was only because he had a deal with the shop that supplied the ties and the socks .
18 James Dillingham Young was lucky , because he had a job , but it was not a good job .
19 But it was n't an easy task because he was dealing with Kirk who was running the company and wanted to make sure the picture was made on his terms because he had a lot at stake .
20 I did all the cleaning , cooking and kept his books in order , which was no mean feat because he had a lot of clients call and all the money passed through my hands . ’
21 Just another bloody journalist , a dilettante with a ragbag mind , who thought that because he had a smattering of scientific language , which he produced with a glib assurance that made George want to choke him , he was qualified to question him , a serious scientist with an intellectual grasp that Gerrard could never understand , let alone achieve .
22 Why I asked him is because he had a wedding invitation for Rob and Jen
23 He could not help , because he had a limp .
24 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
25 He had wanted to know if I knew a good cardiologist , because he had a granddaughter with a rare heart condition who needed an operation , or else in a year 's time she would have died .
26 Like he sold it because he had a producer
27 He was posted first to the Artillery , but then transferred to the Royal Engineers because he had a driving licence .
28 Nicholson on the other hand was taking the pretty route , basically because he had no choice ; no one was making him any offers .
29 Nails put them on because he had no choice , the mood Biddy was in .
30 If he went on courting her in absentia it was because he had no choice .
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