Example sentences of "because it can [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Structuralism is revolutionary because it can be adopted only as an alternative and not as an addition to traditional academic habits .
2 His ascent of Helvellyn is fascinating , not only because it can be followed in detail , but also because of his comment on his guide Partridge , from the Salutation Inn :
3 ‘ I 've been through it and I do n't want them to have to go through it because it can be stopped .
4 Our other theme , the more general study of homoclinic orbits and bifurcations , is perhaps of even greater importance because it can be applied to other systems of equations as well { 2,9 , 10,20 } .
5 This is a universal conception because it can be assumed that all societies and social groups possess , in some form or another , such common sense and practical knowledge .
6 Such an observation is important because it can be assumed , as has already been discussed , that there are only certain sites which can be occupied in an area and therefore the settlement pattern should be predictable .
7 The document is especially interesting in retrospect because it can be seen to be a fairly crude thought about the need to escape the deadening effects of 16+ examining .
8 The land itself shows your goodness because it can be seen in the trees and their shade .
9 Partially stenosed coronary arteries can often be re-bored using a hi-tech version of the pipe-cleaner known as a balloon catheter , so named because it can be blown up at the appropriate moment to expand the narrowed segment .
10 Comparing notes with an airship enthusiast the other day , I learned that the Falklands campaign might bring the airship back into favour because it can be sent up for a good look at the surroundings , especially at sea .
11 But the use of range cattle , though the yield is lower and we are talking now about extensification , is sustainable , largely because it can be sustained with minimal input from fossil fuel .
12 Bray adds that frozen pasta with good quality fillings is especially useful to caterers because it can be made up quickly into either single- or multi-portion dishes without waste .
13 I see nothing to regret in this , not because new ideas should not be examined , but because it can be done better .
14 This concept is rather vague because it can be shown that a computer with a very basic instruction set can simulate a Turing machine and therefore can , in theory , perform any " computable " task , so that such a computer is ( again in theory ) completely general-purpose ( see for example Minsky 1967 ) .
15 It is hoped that they do , because it can be shown that theories that include gravity are either finite or nonrenormalizable ; that is , if one has to make any infinite subtractions , then one will have to make an infinite number of them with a corresponding infinite number of undetermined remainders .
16 The several hundred Ma delay in the basin impacts after the main phase of accretion can also be explained , because it can be shown that the more massive a body the longer it is likely to survive before being collected by the Moon ( or by the Earth ) .
17 The idea that one could go right round the universe and end up where one started makes good science fiction , but it does n't have much practical significance , because it can be shown that the universe would recollapse to zero size before one could get round .
18 And because it can be shifted from one spouse to the other , either in whole or in part , it is a valuable tax-avoiding tool .
19 The Active Microwave Instrument radar system , built by Marconi Space Systems , is significant because it can be used over land or ocean : it will return vital information about how the wind interacts with waves .
20 Sciagraphy has grown as a convention used by architects and engineers because it can be used to reveal detail in forms that might otherwise be lost in orthographic linear projections .
21 The product has a number of environmental pluses , because it can be used to bleach recycled paper and also used to purify wastewater by removing heavy metals .
22 Mel Thompson ( chapter 9 ) goes some way towards rescuing the term , arguing that whilst the trumpeting of particular forms of entrepreneurial success is dangerous because it can be used to locate the blame for economic distress on the victims of economic disruptions , it is equally worthwhile not disparaging a broad set of practices that qualify under a more conventional definition of this term .
23 Any talk of rights other than those enshrined in the ( positive ) law is dangerous because it can be used by fanatics or the self-serving to subvert that law .
24 Take good care of it because it can be used to enjoy 30 holiday surprises in the area .
25 It is an important input to marketing planning because it can be used to formulate company " product-market " objectives , by which the enterprise may : * define its markets ; * position ranges of brands and product varieties ; * identify gaps which offer significant opportunities for expansion or new product positioning ; * rationalise policies for existing brands , products and mixes .
26 Uranium nuclides 238 U and 235 U decay to stable lead and this decay is the basis for a method applied to molluscs , coral and deep sea sediments which usefully complements 14 C dating because it can be used for materials up to 350,000 years in age .
27 Further , the lack of visible staff-room integration serves to reinforce alienistic attitudes because it can be taken as evidence that these attitudes have a firm base in reality .
28 This should be carefully looked for because it can be improved by biofeedback treatment .
29 Though not so far observed , this version of the Ikeda instability is of interest because it can be derived by mean field methods , which otherwise preclude chaos .
30 This file will be very small and , if indexed , it will usually match the access speed of a larger direct file because it can be held on a single cylinder of disk , with its index in main storage .
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