Example sentences of "because [pers pn] [verb] [that] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If I act on the maxim that I will not do things which will hurt Mary 's feelings , that is not universalised simply because I will that all should avoid hurting Mary 's feelings .
2 I mention all this because I know that many women are horrified at the idea of their baby being delivered in this way .
3 I do n't know , well , because I mean that any one of them could of said oh well we were being fired upon first and then they could of er , their colleagues fucking going on
4 And because I fear that that is the position , I can not help but feel that before long we will have yet another attempt to amend Act seventeen , nineteen sixty three and that we will go round the circuit , the same circuit once again with I fear the same result .
5 I joined in the debate because I felt that this was one issue to which I could meaningfully contribute .
6 One feature I was sad to see here on a recent visit was a fish hatchery installed in the bay , a sight now common in the western lochs and doubtless contributing to the local economy ; sad because I feel that all living creatures should have freedom of movement and not be bred and confined in restricted space for the table .
7 ‘ I decided on four days because I reckoned that that 's as near to being a full-timer as you can be , while still gaining something significant for yourself .
8 I confess to having myself once described a particularly abstruse provision as ‘ something of a minor masterpiece of opacity ’ , but I regret it because I think that such shafts are frequently not aimed at the right target .
9 I , I , I would wonder if Mr 's questions need to be erm , taken up with the chief public health inspector , because I think that that , or it , that appears to be , or possibly the trading chi=standards , trading standards officer , neither of whom are here .
10 Chairman , I , I , I , I object to that , because I think that that was n't either the tone of my question or or the implication of my question .
11 Because I think that all our visions are parallel and ultimately we are moving in a similar direction for liberation , for freedom of choice .
12 Erm what this is really about , I think we all recognise this is the erm purchaser aim to increase their leverage in the contract situation as against the providers on the other side of contract and in fact , I think we ought to tie this very much more in with what this authority has been saying about the proposals of the trust on the provider side because I think that this is an argument against the whole district N H S trusts that we 're getting , but it is encouraging the situation in which health authorities have purchasers on the other side of the contract are going to want to band together and merge to create a larger block in which to negotiate with their whole trust providers , I think this is a a very dangerous situation and think we needed to tie the two together as an argument there .
13 The former can do no more than skim the surface of an area which has recently been very heavily mined ; the latter is included because I think that this theory , though recent , is more than a passing fashion and contains some insights into the nature of knowledge .
14 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
15 I 'd like to propose the Labour motion because I think that this actually , these issues are very important and in a moment I shall say why I think they are .
16 Chair , on the recommendations erm on item D , I 'm a bit unhappy about the use of the term ‘ natural ’ disasters , because I believe that many of the disasters that people in Oxford are actually giving money for are man made disasters , particularly matters of international economics and the unfair burden , erm unfair distribution of wealth which places a whole sector of the world in poverty , and I think , you know , you do get a magnificent response from people in Oxford to these charities , and we must be aware that there are a whole number of greater issues involved , and while I hear what you 're saying earlier on about you ca n't take on the problems of the whole world , I think when people are actually giving money to charities for example , like Oxfam , they are often unaware of these issues , and we do have a wider role in making the , joining with organisations like Oxfam in spreading public awareness on these issues .
17 I 'm very sorry about that because I believe that that money could be better spent within the fire service on other matters to provide a much better service to the general public .
18 I say this because I believe that those constitutional issues have to be decided once and for all at this year 's Party Conference .
19 He looked so like a frog , being literally green with fright , with his eyes nearly popping out of his head , that Breeze wanted to laugh ; but she did n't , because she knew that this curious , gaping crowd of people would think she was hysterical .
20 In terms of female users , this can be particularly tragic as in the following case , where the woman did not seek treatment because she assumed that this would eventually lead to the placing of a care order on her children :
21 " Patrick was also worried that his mother might send men here , because she knows that this is the only place Patrick could run to . "
22 Because we know that most British-born Caribbeans use a language mixing mode for informal interactions , using elements of both Creole and British English , the odds are in favour of any one child being put into the " London/regional mix " category .
23 Yes , but On the last comment that er Chris made er bringing us and the letter to county about the the failure of the meeting on the twenty second cos we feel that they are just lying down to the situation and not pursuing a pursuing the D A P about whatsoever and erm we are , certainly in John 's letter probably get it signed tonight complaining and asking for a a meeting as soon as possible because we feel that that they ought to be pursuing the question of these two sites , they 're dragging their feet !
24 Well we 're the study seminars can take place either at Sussex or overseas , and in fact our present policy is to try and increase the number that actually take place in the Third World , because we feel that that has a number of advantages .
25 Although we shall support the Bill because we believe that any measure that alleviates the terrible problem of repossessions is to be welcomed , the way in which the Minister presented it suggests that there is no problem .
26 We prefer this because we believe that this is the way in which we can learn from our mistakes ; and that in finding that our conjecture was false we shall have learnt much about the truth , and shall have got nearer to the truth .
27 No , all of Britain 's high street banks offer special rates and free gifts to students because they know that those in training and attending college are a , are the prospective workforce of tomorrow .
28 Also the mothers are reluctant to reduce the amount of milk in the child 's diet because they know that this is the only form of nutrition that the child accepts .
29 He then said that they did n't want an understanding with the United States , because they know that this was impossible ( sic ) .
30 The Conservatives seemed rather more favourable to the prospect of scrutiny by backbench committees , perhaps because they felt that such a challenge would help to restrain public expenditure .
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