Example sentences of "because [pron] [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 We do n't have any trouble getting time to study because everyone wants the same thing — to do well .
2 We sum vertically at a given quantity because everyone consumes the same quantity of a public good by definition .
3 Whether the holiday is a gathering of opera buffs in Glyndebourne or a trek of vampire fans to Transylvanian castles , it is great fun because everyone has the same interest at heart .
4 ‘ But nobody appreciates more than me how Ian feels because I endured the same thing at exactly this time last year .
5 Yeah it made me feel better actually because I had the same impression as you .
6 I understood because I felt the same fear as they did .
7 She knew because she felt the same herself , the whole damn lot of it , down to the last small detail .
8 Well she copes because she had the same problem as me with her hands if she 's writing for long , her hands ache , so she can write a longer letter if she types , so I said I , I did n't really , I like a hand written letter best it seems more personal somehow , perhaps they do , having a typed letter means you can send a longer one , they all mean
9 And now they all nodded towards Agnes and Miss Florence said softly , ‘ The moment we got it , dear , I said , ‘ I know who that would suit , because she has the same figure as Mrs Bretton-Fawcett . ’
10 You might have a slight problem , because we use the same I 'll I 'll try and get out the cash .
11 Because we reinterviewed the same people at different times throughout the year , we were able to divide them into persistent readers of Tory tabloids , persistent readers of Labour tabloids , persistent readers of broadsheets and , finally , those who changed papers or read no paper regularly .
12 We must close ranks with them because we talk the same language .
13 The Labour Party and the trade union movement are bonded together because we share the same objectives .
14 I know , because we share the same birthday ’ . ’
15 Thus the wing of a bat and the paddle of a porpoise are homologous because they show the same underlying pattern of bones typical of a mammalian forelimb .
16 The fat men : were they less fat because they were smaller , and so you needed less stomach to appear fat ; or were they more fat , because they developed the same stomachs , but had even less frame to support them ?
17 One might even extend the idea and talk of semantic parallelism where two sentences are linked because they mean the same thing .
18 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
19 It 's a long-established human set-up , whose name comes from the Old Arcturean quickspeak for ’ family Organization ’ — because they like to affect a patriarchal system and because they demand the same absolute loyalty and devotion that one would show to close kinfolk .
20 Our own genes cooperate with one another , not because they are our own but because they share the same outlet — sperm or egg — into the future .
21 Pointing to the way in which poverty structured the lives of the majority of her respondents , she concluded that ‘ young Black women and young white women become pregnant for the same sorts of reasons , and this is because they share the same socio-economic contexts ’ ( Phoenix , 1988a , p. 154 ) .
22 In practice however it would appear that PGCE courses do resemble each other in many significant ways , no doubt because they have the same ultimate purposes and because the limited time available enforces a focus on fundamental issues leaving little opportunity for additional , idiosyncratic areas of study .
23 He used it to explain how different chemical compounds may contain the same elements in the same proportions — ‘ isomerism ’ — because their atoms are differently arranged , and how different substances may have the same crystalline form — ‘ isomorphism ’ — because they have the same number of atoms in the same arrangement .
24 I thought because everybody had the same experience .
25 If in refusing , he acted as a reasonable man would have done in the same position , because he entertained the same fears , having regard to the character of the proposed assignee , etc , the real purpose of the assignment , the effect of the assignment on the property or other property of the landlord , etc , the refusal will be upheld as reasonable .
26 Well football pools are a splendid started because recently somebody has won just over nine hundred thousand pounds , and it 's interesting to note that he did this without exercising too much skill , as I 'm sure he 'd be the first to admit , because he enters the same numbers every week .
27 Perhaps Locke did not recognise the difference because he used the same word , ‘ idea ’ , both for what we would ordinarily call an idea and for what is imprinted in , or on , the mind , the ‘ sensation ’ .
28 Salesman : ‘ sorry , guv , you 'll have to take a black Datsun because it does the same job , and is cheaper ! ’
29 The stored or potential energy in a raised weight can be used , for instance , to drive the mechanism of a grandfather clock though in most clocks a spring is usually more convenient , if only because it stores the same amount of energy which ever way up it is .
30 The intruder is able to recognise the owner because it smells the same as its mark , and so can decide whether to challenge for ownership or simply move on .
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