Example sentences of "one would [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A a at precisely the point where one one would expect them to be in the position to be able to encroach on the rich they are actually this is , this is the promotion of the rich peasant economy .
2 One would expect ourselves to be bonded with Adam and Eve against our common foe but instead in their unfallen state , they seem to be most unlike the people of today .
3 On neurophysiological grounds one would expect there to be considerable differences between different individuals with regard to the most effective channels of learning ; therefore , one must regard statements such as that quoted with a certain amount of scepticism .
4 If this picture held true , then one would expect it to be confirmed in the real world of industry .
5 In fact , from its formula one would expect it to be a gas at normal temperatures but it is a liquid .
6 Objections were raised to Lotze 's candidate for the position of ‘ local sign ’ on such grounds as that localisation was prompt and certain just where , according to Lotze 's theory , one would expect it to be difficult if not impossible .
7 An SBU with high capital intensity could well be at an early stage of its product life-cycle , when one would expect it to be building up its investment relative to sales and also experiencing low profitability as it fights to establish itself in the market .
8 One would think something like that would stand out in her mind . ’
9 They were jostled by smart young people , and no one would do anything for them .
10 She would lay the table her own way , not the French way , and no one would reprove her for putting the forks and spoons face up .
11 One would like it to be said of oneself . ’
12 Not as often as one would like it to be .
13 In these languages , the passive is traditionally used to report unfortunate events ; ’ for instance , one would say something like ‘ I was rained on ’ in Japanese , rather than ‘ It rained on me ’ or ‘ I got wet in the rain' .
14 No one would suspect her of killing Gebrec ? ’
15 ‘ To look at me , no one would take me for the Miracle-Worker , ’ Gabriel persisted , and he grinned and rubbed his short head of hair which had barely grown long enough for a single curl .
16 If these world markets are themselves genuinely competitive , and if the domestic market is open to imports , then there may be little direct harm resulting from the pursuit of large scale ( though ideally one would wish there to be some scrutiny of the dominant firm in the context of the world market by a supra-national competition authority ) .
17 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
18 We 've already talked of anxious horses , and how no one would have one for preference .
19 He has little knowledge of a shepherd 's life since he writes his idyllic poem from the town , as a wealthy poet , and can not possibly see the reality as one would have it from experienced eyes .
20 He was held up again when he needed to turn into Mulfords Hill because no one would let him into the flow .
21 That was a time when young and old had thronged the streets to welcome in a new century and , though anything with the 1800s about it was already as dead as history , it still took some years before the magical 19 in the date lost its strangeness and one would write it without a slight hesitation .
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