Example sentences of "one could [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It might be thought that so long as one asserted the local sign theory only in principle ( that is , did not specify the precise nature of the ‘ feeling ’ or ‘ colouring ’ which is supposed to subserve localisation ) , one could rely on the testimony of introspection for one 's theory to be confirmed .
2 ‘ Black people are the original people of the Earth , no one could exist on the planet without us and we must wake up , to struggle and do what we have to do to come into power , ’ announces Chester , striding across the stage , as the audience cheers .
3 I never knew a child of one could sleep in a normal size bed .
4 That strength of mind one could sense below the surface , that glow of authority that seemed to radiate from his skin .
5 To be sure , one could sympathize with the sentiments of some of those penitents who refused themselves pleasures because the Emperor , saviour of mankind , could experience no pleasure whatever , locked as he had been for millennia in his prosthetic throne …
6 It was not a satisfactory solution of what came to be called the Southwark Bridge Mystery , but no one could think of a better one .
7 Shamanism , he explained patiently for the three idiot Brits , was a primitive practice of self-denial so that one could travel in the land of the dead and return unscathed .
8 On the other hand , if one could pass through a black hole , one might reemerge anywhere in the universe .
9 It was noted in the introduction to Chapter 21 that , if planning represented the route map for the journey , then organizing represented the means by which one could arrive at the chosen destination .
10 Anybody to whom one could talk about the place ?
11 How could one refuse tenderness to someone so frail and tiny , to someone whose bones one could break with the flick of wrist , to someone who greeted one with smiles and later whoops of purest delight , who wept if one left them , and would die if one neglected them ?
12 By not assigning 9 , but using it as " an octave device " , one could establish as a convention a way of producing a hierarchy of numbers allowing for almost infinite addition in array .
13 However , this says nothing about coordination between agencies and it is here that one could point to the possible role of networks as well .
14 The French delegation led by M. Jean Arrivetz of FACS stressed the desirability of using a mnemonic one could say as a word .
15 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
16 One might speculate that one could jump into a black hole in one place and come out of a white hole in another .
17 The manual is the nearest one could get to an International Code Sportif or Sporting Code which enables all competitively minded flyers of steerable or stunt kites to operate on identical standards .
18 Frozen vegetables were , somehow , a lowering of standards , but they were quick and convenient and really fresher than anything one could get in the London shops .
19 This did not surprise me , since one could see at a glance that Herr Bremann was a gentleman of great decency .
20 The great train was standing there , faintly hissing , silver , immensely heavy , stretching away in both directions for as far as one could see in the gloom .
21 However , it is unclear to me at this time what recommendations one could put in the form of legislation to be put before the House that would command the majority needed to make sensible legislation , to allow the country to move forward in the 1990s .
22 Towards the end of Section 1.8 we noted that the only interpretation one could put upon the equality unc between the two polynomials mentioned is that 1 = 0 , -3 = 0 and 2 = 0 in Q. Thus the above equality is meaningful but blatantly false .
23 well er , I , I , no , that 's , that 's , that 's not what I was saying , I was saying article eighty five then concerned with , what one could describe as a malign or bad prevention , restriction or distortion
24 And most single people and er most young people in particular , fall outside that definition and that means that they really have no access to council housing of any kind and er they also find it very hard to get into the private rented sector , because of er the fact that 's it 's er , the rents are so high , and , and therefore they are at the mercy of erm basically the well , well loosely what one could describe as the bad landlords , the sharks , who will er exploit their situation .
25 Occasionally one could dispense with the bran and undersheet and purchase a tailored mattress ; likewise the sides could be padded and buttoned and a pillow provided .
26 This would mean that one could appeal to the weak anthropic principle , provided one could show that string theory does at least allow there to be such regions of the universe-and it seems that indeed string theory does .
27 Gavin stuck his head out from under the duvet , giving me cause once more to marvel at the impressive way the lad 's shoulders merged into his head with no apparent narrowing in between ( this appeared to be the principal physical benefit bestowed by the game of rugby ; the acquisition of an extremely thick neck , just as the most important thing one could take to the sport was a thick skull , and from it an intact one still in satisfactory two-way communication with one 's spinal cord ) .
28 One could begin with a base-form pronunciation of each word in the dictionary , and then apply phonological rules to generate valid variations in pronunciation .
29 One of the attractions of the room was that one could climb from the window out onto the roof of the bicycle shed and thence to the ground .
30 The rows of young men perched atop the slatted sides sang snatches of song which no one could hear above the noise of the engine .
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