Example sentences of "may have [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may have to unscrew the stove-fiddles to release the Thermos , and you 'll find the milk in the fridge to the right of the stove . ’
2 But in the end , we may have to save the honour of Genoa the Superb by attacking her . ’
3 IF THE Hongkong and Shanghai Bank goes ahead with a takeover of Midland Bank , it may have to replace the pair of bronze lions that grace the entrance to its headquarters with a more appropriate symbol — such as a couple of ducks .
4 It may involve you in extra duties and worries at first : for instance , you may have to take the patient to his workplace by car , and collect him again , and the timing may not be convenient for you .
5 Lastly conservation programmes often fail , and senior bureaucrats may have to take the blame .
6 The lawyer may have to extend the concepts and objects of that discourse in order to achieve such an effective translation .
7 The employer may have to extend the period of the loan , thus incurring further interest charges or start charging the employee interest .
8 The therapist may have to prompt the client to elicit these thoughts , as very often the client is not aware of them .
9 You may have to hold the needles down as you go .
10 With the more persistent caller , you may have to ask the Telephone Exchange to monitor all your calls for a while , or you can change your number and go ex-directory .
11 They may have to ask the Hong Kong Union for financial assistance in order to summon a replacement from home .
12 In this case mobility between firms is constrained because labour may have to sacrifice the growth in earnings they could expect if they remained with their current firm .
13 But many graduates of state-funded ‘ grandes écoles ’ — ‘ énarques ’ , ‘ polytechniciens ’ , etc. — subsequently , at some stage in their careers , leave public service employment and enter the private sector : they — or normally the company that recruits them — may have to reimburse the state ( which financed their studies , via bursaries or scholarships ) .
14 If you want to create a C-shape but all your pressed material curves in the opposite direction you may have to let the flowers and foliage dictate the design .
15 For instance when the telephone rings — especially if it 's an internal call you know that you may have to give the caller prompt , detailed and sometimes unpopular advice .
16 If you 're extending the plumbing and drainage to incorporate a second bathroom , you may have to notify the water authority in order to comply with all the water regulations .
17 Hardware installation is straightforward , although you may have to reset the comm port jumpers on the IDE controller — COM 2 seems the safest bet for the Teleputer .
18 It means chairman Paul Woolhouse may have to quit the club after claims that he has missed a deadline to pay for £3million worth of shares .
19 As we are trying to keep the whole publication as simple as possible this means that we 'll use Times again but if your page printer is n't a PostScript device you may have to create the title in a graphics package and import it .
20 It is generally worth having as much as 150mm of insulation in most homes , although the comparatively shallow depth of most ceiling joists means that you may have to lay the insulation across the tops of the joists to achieve the required thickness .
21 The assignee may have to join the assignor in any proceedings he brings against the bank , but this is a pragmatic procedural requirement and does not affect the assignee 's substantive right to the assigned part of the debt .
22 ‘ The baby is scheduled at the end of March , but if it is late , I may have to miss the Masters .
23 You may have to organize the access to the garden for the patient .
24 Accordingly you may have to adapt the day 's menu or recipes to suit yourself .
25 You may have to squeeze the edges of the wound together if the sides are gaping .
26 But such activities — advertising and the like — are costly , and the raider may have to improve the offer in order to get sufficient shareholders to agree , which lessens the raider 's own return .
27 RATEPAYERS in Ards may have to foot the bill if the district council goes ahead with a proposal not to charge for collecting rubbish from Orange halls , it has been disclosed .
28 Any nurse may encounter an adoptee experiencing a crisis of self-identity at any age , and may be able to offer support simply by listening or may have to recommend the adoptee seek expert help from the local adoption agency , PAC or National Organisation for Counselling Adoptees and their Parents ( NORCAP ) for counselling about being adopted and practical information on instigating a search for birth parents .
29 However , there is another system parameter , VIRTUALPAGECNT , which you may also have to increase , so skip to Section 1.6.1 now ( otherwise you may have to reboot the system twice ! )
30 But they may have to face the fact that their own view of his department 's policy needs are irrelevant to the main problem being tackled within it , or even that their own commitments lead in quite opposite directions to the ones being taken by those concerned with policy innovation in the department .
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