Example sentences of "may have [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He tells me he may have to go into a rest home .
2 Because had we had them any other way , you may have fallen into the dilemma as you 've suggested , that the shop stewards may have become part of the management .
3 The MNOD interpretation is displayed as a standard musical score so that the user can correct any errors that may have crept into the interpretation before it is written as standard MIDI information .
4 From Oxford he may have travelled into the south-west .
5 A year 's preparation may have gone into the assembling of a fleet of warships and transport vessels .
6 Some have intimated that these contacts , while not illegal , raise suspicions that the superfund 's huge cache for money may have turned into a political slush-fund , spread around to fertilise the candidates of loyal Republicans .
7 But remember that dreams and ambitions change as you get older , by his forties your high-flier may have turned into a slippers and spaniel man , and who knows , by then you may want to be PM .
8 Their position was well summed up by the Carers National Association , which has stated that the current rules could have ’ disastrous consequences ’ for the family and friends of the claimant who may have moved into the home to take on the caring responsibilities .
9 It also includes erm reckonable service which is is service other than teaching that you may have transferred into the scheme .
10 Scanning the names of judges , senior policemen , politicians , journalists and hoodlums , together with the abrupt manner of their disposal — shot , strangled , dissolved in acid , fed to pigs — the reader is left in little doubt that , although today 's Mafia may have grown into a global enterprise , it is still a long way from joining the ranks of the world 's leading multinationals .
11 Although irradiation does destroy all bacteria , it is not certain whether or not it removes the toxins that such bacteria may have released into the food , which could , after all , be the cause of food poisoning .
12 He accepted Christianity when the missionary Poppo proved the efficacy of the Christian god by undergoing the ordeal of carrying hot iron , and may have entered into a subordinate relationship with the German emperor Otto I. However , he rebelled after Otto 's death in 973 , and the following year was defeated at the Danevirke , a Danish defensive rampart in southern Jutland connected to the east with the important town of Hedeby .
13 Several rounds from a sub-machinegun indicated that a lone member of the PDF may have got into the neighbourhood .
14 He may have blundered into the area after losing his way .
15 705–9 ) , whose father , Sigehere , may have married into the ruling family of the Hwicce , gave land as sub-king in the territory of the Hwicce to the church of Worcester in the reign of Coenred ( CS 123 : S 64 ) .
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