Example sentences of "may have [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The indications are , therefore , that Offa was engaged fairly intensively against the Welsh across the first twenty-five or so years of his reign and this may have prevented him from pursuing Mercian interests in eastern and south-eastern England too vigorously before the mid-780s .
2 When this happens the rest of the school , who along the way have trained with the successful runner , may have beaten him on occasion , have been course markers , marshals , timekeepers , supporters and team-mates , really feel that sport is n't just another soap opera glimpsed on television or paraded through the back pages of the newspapers — it 's something that they are actively experiencing at first hand for themselves .
3 Esau 's welcome to the brother who had wronged him is so amazingly generous that Jesus may have had him in mind when he told the story of the prodigal son ( see Luke 15:20 ) .
4 You may have to help him at first , but as he progresses , he can tackle more complicated puzzles .
5 Judith , perhaps already ailing at the time of her son 's marriage , may have accompanied him to Tours in February 843 .
6 This may have left him with a condition known as Schönlein-Henoch Syndrome , together with the beginnings of chronic kidney disease .
7 I may have reminded him of his wife or daughter .
8 If in order to get to the root of it Eliot consulted a Viennese expert , the result was not evidently a cure , because I believe he suffered from it all his life : but the consultation , if that was what it was , may have benefited him by disclosure — ‘ the luxury of an intimate disclosure to a stranger ’ .
9 It was perhaps as a member of Gloucester 's retinue that he fought at Bannockburn in June 1314 , where Gloucester was killed ; and his performance in the battle , for which he was later rewarded with land worth 100 marks a year , may have brought him to Edward II 's notice .
10 I said I may have to hurt him for a remark like that .
11 She said that she had got ‘ quite dependent ’ on Roger — I suppose she may have known him for about thirty-five years .
12 I hope you may have found him for them . ’
13 You may have caught him on television in 1991 when he was the studio expert for the BBC 's coverage of the Scrabble World Championship , or more recently introducing a video on the game .
14 The self-confidence inspired by his Eton and Trinity background may have helped him in the several differences of opinion he has encountered in his life .
15 I would be more than thankful and hopeful that I may have helped him in return for the inspiration he has given me .
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