Example sentences of "may [not/n't] [vb infin] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once you have told LIFESPAN about a Charge Code ( ie. Storage Directory ) , YOU MAY NOT EDIT THAT INFORMATION .
2 In practical terms it may not make much difference to consumers when they do that . ’
3 The latest findings may not make much difference to clinical practice in this country .
4 No form of argument or persuasion is allowed ( eg criticism of the target 's board ) and the buyer ( and its advisers ) may not make any statement or otherwise make public any information in connection with the tender offer which is not already contained in the tender offer advertisement itself .
5 If only one household appeals this may not carry much weight , but if several of us do , and give similar grounds for the appeal , then we stand a better chance of succeeding .
6 GEORGE BUSH and Saddam Hussein may not scare each other , but they are terrifying just about everybody else .
7 And while a little plumpness may not do much harm , being very fat is a definite health hazard , increasing the risk of heart disease , gall bladder disease , some cancers and arthritis .
8 The politician may not possess this knowledge .
9 I may not possess any status or receive a substantial monthly pay cheque , but to have my trade grow entirely through my own efforts is one heck of a kick .
10 He feared the views of people living in areas like Lazenby and Portrack , Stockton , may not hold much sway in Northallerton .
11 His views were echoed by Coun David Walsh , committee chairman , who feared the views of people living in areas like Lazenby and Portrack , Stockton , may not hold much sway in Northallerton .
12 Task allocation also means that nurses become very familiar with doing particular procedures , even though they may not give much thought to why they are doing something .
13 That 's a burp you may not experience that word from where you come from
14 In marked distinction to the solicitors ' branch of the profession , the pupil barrister may not earn any money during the first six months of pupillage and there are only limited opportunities for earning in the second six months of pupillage .
15 On the one hand , a half-promise to save a new-born country , and to show that one lot of people may not dispossess another lot merely by virtue of being better armed ; on the other hand , a growing realisation that this could not be achieved without a fight in which an unknown number of young Europeans and Americans would be asked to die in the name of misty-sounding things like compassion and principle .
16 ( b ) a shareholder may not hold shares for others save as nominee for another solicitor with a practising certificate or an RFL or recognised body who is a shareholder or officer of the recognised body or who is working in its practice ; a shareholder may not create any charge or other third party interest over his shares .
17 They may not sell many plastic macs or pairs of 60s kinky boots , but with a 70s revival in the air Oxfam shop volunteers are being swamped with requests for clothes like this .
18 But in having to work together they are doing no more than thousands of couples and millions of professional people who may not like each other but who understand that there are times when they must look positive .
19 Some may not like this idea , because it veers away from established convention , but it 's quicker , plus it saves the hassle of breaking a string peg at an important moment and being left dangling , so to speak .
20 We did not know what the future might hold and had to face the possibility that we may not see each other again .
21 You may not see another Spring .
22 We may not see this place again for a long time . ’
23 The Prime Minister says it may not happen this summer .
24 Even the most up-to-date methods and generously multi-faith context , which includes visits to temple , mosque , gurdwara , synagogue or church , may not overcome this hurdle but rather reinforce for children the cultural and sociological explanation of religion .
25 He illustrated different ways in which reading , for example , could be taught , and how some children may not be ‘ mature ’ enough to cope with a ‘ look and say ’ approach , or may not develop that way .
26 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
27 Of course the answer is changing the myth would have made Moses Hebrew and not Egyptian , because if Moses had been the daughter of Pharaoh he would had to been Egyptian and that the Hebrews could n't tolerate because at a later stage their religion became strongly ethnic and racially divided , you really got to be born Jewish to be Jewish , so they could n't tolerate their , their founding fathers of not being anything but Jewish , so they altered it , they changed the records and they falsified the myth , but they left this glaring inconsistency in it , so the myth is no longer it 's er rewritten and this is one of the little bits of evidence and now of course erm if you do n't take psychoanalyst insights into the family romance seriously , that may not cut much ice for you , but if you erm appreciate the force of these unconscious stereotypes in creating this like this , it 's cert it 's a quite potent piece of evidence because you think well why should the , the Bible change the myth , why ca n't it just put up with the normal myth .
28 This postulates that , although some groups may not have much money in relative terms , they will spend more in defined sectors .
29 The image so constructed is not an indigenous creation ; for although its component parts are all from local materials , some of them are solicited and may not have much value or relevance in Zuwaya eyes .
30 They may not have much impact on the result of Namibia 's election .
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