Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a case of dramatic irony when we as readers recognize and share with the fabliau author a knowledge of the " realities " of the fictitious situation denied to the merchant of Orléans and may laugh at the merchant 's misguided belief as a result .
2 From the Soviet perspective a socialist government in Kampuchea has remained a sine qua non of any settlement of the Kampuchean issue , although Soviet resolve on this issue may weaken in the face of the current ASEAN commitment to a neutral Kampuchea ( see below ) .
3 The adult worms in the intestine cause little apparent damage to the mucosa , but occasionally , if large numbers are present , there may be obstruction , and rarely a worm may migrate into the bile duct , causing obstructive jaundice and carcass condemnation .
4 These may range from the specification of shapes , finishes and material type through casting and mould details , to jigs and fixtures needed during production .
5 It may relate to a packaging problem in which a fixed number of unrelated items have to be pressed into the smallest volume .
6 A gable roof is implied by such an arrangement and the number of posts may relate to the presence or absence of vertical side-walls as much as to the size and weight of the roof ( Figure 2.2 ) .
7 The characteristics which are common within a specialist collection of data may relate to the subject matter ( e.g. political opinion polls ) , to the time period ( e.g. historical social and demographic records ) , to the geographical coverage ( e.g. Northern Irish data ) , to the administrative units to which they relate ( e.g. New Town 's studies ) or even to the type ( e.g. spatially referenced data ) .
8 " The only incident we know about that may relate to the rest of the set-up is your performance at Winter Marsh .
9 The story about the scourging of Jesus may relate to the comment in Isaiah : ‘ … by this scourging we are healed ’ ( Isaiah 53:5 ) .
10 The independence of events such as deaths from plane crashes is also important since this may relate to the appropriateness of any rate quoted .
11 That specific laminin receptors are differentially regulated in foetal , regenerating , and quiescent adult hepatocytes may not simply , therefore , be important for adhesive or structural reasons and may relate to the need for growth and development .
12 Now those critics have been joined by what entrenched IRFU committeemen may regard as the Enemy Within .
13 What the workers might think is a lively practical joke , management may regard as disruption or sabotage ; what workers might see as an intensification of their labour , management may regard as an improvement in flexibility , and so forth .
14 Also it is conceivable that cash limits , whilst being effective in capping overall expenditure , may militate against the adoption of new , cost-effective , procedures if these necessitate financial outlays .
15 In general , the more directly political approach argues that the manner in which the state may compensate for the misery of the periphery is crucial and warrants serious investigation since under certain circumstances it may be possible for state intervention to operate with beneficial , net long-term effects .
16 1985 ) that societies living in areas where resources are rare or absent may compensate by the production of pottery for exchange with neighbouring groups better endowed with the necessary resources .
17 Thus a certain sales figure may remain as the target but the spending habits of the income group from which the sales were to come may have shifted .
18 Other propositions may not be testable even in principle but may remain for the time as a necessary component of an overall paradigm .
19 It also singles out moor and heath for specially favourable treatment ; habitats such as wetlands and species-rich grasslands may remain within the scope of the grants .
20 It believes that this ‘ crisis ’ level of interest rates may only may last only a short while but that a ‘ risk premium ’ may remain throughout the life of a Labour government , with adverse implications for growth .
21 some residual contamination may remain in the soil owing to concentrations which do not induce microbial degradation ;
22 If untreated , recovery occurs after a few weeks , but discharging abscesses may remain in the groin .
23 Thus , the record of many negative movements of base level may remain in the landscape to be interpreted by the geomorphologist .
24 As a result aggradation took place and the surfaces of such aggradations , now dissected by later erosion , may remain in the form of terraces .
25 Joe now withdrew his hand from the desk and , rising to his feet , he looked down on to the upturned faces of the two men and said , ‘ My mother may remain in the house as long as she wishes , but the running of it , the accounts and such , I wish to leave in your control .
26 In that context , the designation by article 5(1) of the Convention of the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question expresses the concern that , because of the close links created by a contract between the parties thereto , it should be possible for all the difficulties which may arise on the occasion of the performance of a contractual obligation to be brought before the same court : that for the place of performance of the obligation .
27 These five workers have been forced to become adept at tackling the complete range of jobs which may arise on the farm over the year .
28 The difference lies in the object of the work , that is , they minimize the damage that may arise as a result of entry into the care system and to restore vulnerable families to ‘ good-enough ’ personal and social functioning .
29 Group formation may arise as a result of factors favouring defence or resource acquisition and the sizes and compositions of groups express the effects of social selection within them .
30 Other problems may arise as a result of contracting .
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