Example sentences of "may [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , the lake may remain with a negative K and be unable to support fish for many years .
2 Ethnicity is not , however , always marked by linguistic distinctiveness , Labov 's work with Italian and Jewish speakers in New York City shows that such distinctiveness may persist for several generations , or conversely may disappear with the first generation of native-born speakers who nevertheless maintain a strong sense of ethnicity ( Labov 1972b : 281 ) .
3 For example , an exponential ramp may be required for optimum acceleration , but its implementation is expensive and so the designer may compromise with a linear ramp , which is available at very low cost .
4 Mergers between existing companies under the Act are possible between companies of the same type ( partnership with a limited partnership , Kft with Kft , ) , and a Kft may merge with a joint-stock company .
5 There is , for example , no Annie 's Bar where we may gossip with the mighty over a vodka — although we do have access to a well-stocked cafeteria , where the waitresses are uncommonly polite .
6 However much , therefore , we may feel with the later Romantics that Wordsworth was ‘ a political apostate ’ , his social interests will always remain as evidence of his humanity .
7 His physical appearance and his rapport with the crowds remind people of his father , Prince Sihanouk , whose reign they may associate with the happier days before the Vietnam war and the Khmers Rouges .
8 It may clash with the international North West ‘ 200 ’ road race .
9 However in commercial bargaining or in interchanges between departments or divisions both sides may emerge with a real gain .
10 It may well happen , however , that the users of a hierarchy ( in the case of a lexical hierarchy the speakers of the language ) have positive intuitions concerning which items belong together at a given level ; and these intuitions may conflict with the level assignations according to technical criteria .
11 The aim is to minimise costs in the very long term but the important question is the extent to which this may conflict with the short-run costs of pursuing diversity .
12 This may conflict with the chronological age , and the person may switch backwards and forwards from one age to another , so it requires alertness to work out what the person is feeling .
13 All conditional sentences may begin with the subordinate if clause or start with the main clause : If I have time I shall go .
14 Although Glasgow speakers , like most Scots , do not distinguish fool from full , for some speakers the word class is subdivided because some lexical items may occur with a front unrounded vowel , e.g. [ sk ? l ] for school , and others a with low back unrounded vowel , e.g. [ p ? l ] for pull but * [ sk ? l ] and * [ p ? l ] are not found .
15 The same discounting may occur with the next moves , probably involving the lifting of the three-year-old state of emergency and the formal unbanning of political organisations .
16 These orders do not contain a blanket exemption for agreements that come within their terms but provide that in deciding whether or not an agreement is registrable no account shall be taken of any restriction : which limits the extent to which the person accepting the restriction may compete with the acquired enterprise , or may be engaged or interested in , disclose information to , or otherwise assist any business which so competes , provided that the restriction subsists for no longer than the permitted period .
17 The purchaser may contract with the primary care provider unit instead of primary care teams .
18 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
19 BREWING and retail group Whitbread may link with a European brewer as a means of loosening its ties with Whitbread Investment Company .
20 This may link with the lower average level of technical qualification among the UK chief executive officers .
21 It is clear from Hockett 's examples , reproduced here as ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , that this ‘ sentential topic ’ may coincide with the grammatical subject , as in ( 1 ) , but need not , as in ( 2 ) .
22 That decision — and many others involving the course of science over the next four years — may rest with a new group of about 30 senior administrators convened two weeks ago by Gibbons and Bowman Cutter of the National Economic Council .
23 Whilst in practice day to day supervision may rest with a single partner or small committee of partners , the rule imposes professional responsibility on every member of a firm to see that each one of its offices is properly supervised .
24 At the heart of both of them is a witness to the vital relationship between the historical reality of the Incarnation and a way of living by which man may engage with the spiritual reality it manifested and thus extend it in time .
25 Alternatively , if the OR feels that the debtor has made a full and honest disclosure and that there are no suspicious circumstances , he may dispense with the public examination .
26 If aids or alterations such as handrails or alarm buttons are likely to be needed , the nurse may liaise with an occupational therapist and social worker about having them supplied .
27 This finding may be important , since it is known that chemical modification of lysine amino groups of the apoprotein may interfere with the specific LDL receptor binding and hence clearance of LDL ( Gonen et al , 1981 ; Kim & Kurup , 1982 ; Witzum et al , 1982 ) .
28 In other words , we may continue with a partial equilibrium framework .
29 It may start with the first glimpse she gets of the man she is destined to love , or the man she believes wrongly that she is destined to love .
30 As Bosch and Tasmowski & Verluyten have shown , pronouns following such words may agree with the syntactic gender of the noun or with the natural gender of the person referred to .
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