Example sentences of "may [verb] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The following diagram illustrates how Sciences may relate to other areas of the catalogue .
2 Such courses which may relate to graphic design , fashion/textile design , interior design , and product design are usually of similar duration to those leading to CNAA degrees , that is three years full-time , and the numbers taking them have grown gradually over the years .
3 Other queries may relate to specific attributes of the spatial entities , or to combinations of these attributes , to the exclusion of any locational property .
4 They may relate to one institution ( a primary school ) or to several ( linking a number of primary schools to the neighbourhood secondary school ) , they may relate to primary age children within a community centre or youth club , they may simply serve as a bridge between local pre-school playgroups and the schools which the pre-school children will eventually attend .
5 Core skills are not intended to be the subject of academic studies , although they may relate to academic subjects such as English , mathematics , computing , science and social studies .
6 Improved economic status now gives more elderly people the option of a fairly comfortable retirement which they may prefer to continued employment in unattractive work .
7 If the conflict is very trivial , it may indeed ‘ blow over ’ without an issue being made of it , but if the causes are not identified , the conflict may grow to unmanageable proportions .
8 Certainly , the appearance of the two sorts of warts is very different , skin warts being usually less than 5mm in diameter and flattish , while the genital variety are more pointed and ‘ frond-like ’ , and may grow to considerable size .
9 It may refer to uncertificated achievements but might include those which have been certificated , especially where the certification does not record the precise nature of the achievement , or was acquired in a different/unrelated context .
10 The four words ‘ Star — word — herb — gem ’ may refer to contemporary occult philosophy , which saw a continuous order of relationship in nature .
11 Holography … may do to visual image reproduction what lasers will do to data storage and computers have done to data processing …
12 However it may appear to modern man , the measure of ruthless cruelty that may be manifest in the evolutionary processes , can not be labelled ‘ evil ’ .
13 In view of the biological and pharmacological activities of ET-1 , we wondered whether production of ET-1 by respiratory epithelium may contribute to cellular proliferation and fibrosis in CFA .
14 This measure gives a good index of the tonic level of muscular relaxation In light sleep , in identifying periods of movement which may contribute to outside interference in the EEG and EOG channels , and is crucial in determining the presence of REM ( rapid eye movement ) sleep , when there is little or no EMG activity .
15 These are not inevitable problems for visually handicapped children and where they occur can sometimes be improved , but they do not tend to be considered assets by other pupils and may contribute to low self-concept .
16 In addition a recently identified group of pain afferents ( usually functionally dormant and called ‘ sleeping nociceptors ’ ) has been shown to be activated by inflammation and may contribute to peripheral sensitisation to pain after injury .
17 He described the ‘ indirect link ’ between sugar and a number of serious diseases and drew specific attention to the report 's conclusion that sugar may contribute to excess food consumption and obesity .
18 Our study has monitored UOS pressure in unsedated children and established the occurrence of transient UOS relaxations in children , which may contribute to oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
19 This suggests that enzyme deficiencies may contribute to hyperkinetic syndrome , because such additives need to be detoxified by the body 's enzymes .
20 Research has shown that smoking cigarettes may contribute to inadequate breast milk production .
21 Chinese rice production may contribute to global warming
22 It is also possible that the POU S domain may contribute to transcriptional activation ( 23,67 ) .
23 It is also intriguing that an increase in protease activity has been detected in perfusates from the dentate gyrus following potentiation , raising the possibility that cleavage of proteins with extracellular domains , such as neural cell adhesion molecules ( NCAMs ) , may contribute to synaptic remodelling in LTP .
24 The information held under the data class of warning signals is intended to indicate individuals who may possess firearms , may possess weapons , may resort to violent behaviour , may attempt to escape , may suffer from mental disorder , may possess explosives , may make false allegations against the police , may be a hazard to others as a carrier of contagious diseases ( e.g. , hepatitis ) ’ —
25 However , the fact that the defence may resort to procedural tactics or that the weakness of some investigations may become apparent under re-investigation should not lead us to reject a formal mechanism of quality control .
26 Conservationists are concerned that when this happens frightened local authorities may resort to indiscriminate poison baiting , a step which would undoubtedly kill many wild dogs , but could spell the end for several other declining species as well .
27 Thus , the proliferation stage of CFA may depend to large extent on mitogenic factors produced by the epithelium , including transforming growth factor , tumour necrosis factor , and ET-1 , acting synergistically to stimulate fibroblast growth and extracellular production .
28 This may involve the following behavioural changes : * the wife may return to full-time work to increase the family 's total income ; * expenditure on other items , such as cars or holidays , may for the time be reduced ; the couple may place an increased value on the enhanced personal prestige attached to the ownership of the larger property , and will be prepared to accept the financial consequences of enjoying this enhanced prestige .
29 The results obtained in this study indicate that the mucosal platelet activating factor content is considerably increased in patients with acute Crohn 's disease , decreased by glucocorticoid therapy and may return to normal levels in quiescent Crohn 's disease .
30 There may be frequency of micturition and , in a proportion of cases , these symptoms may progress to acute retention of urine , when the hapless female finds it impossible to pass urine at all .
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