Example sentences of "may [verb] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The rains may disappear as suddenly as they arrived ; the pond may dry out within a few days , and so the whole cycle of breeding activity must be completed in the shortest possible time .
2 For example sulphur troxide dinitrogen tetroxide diiodine hexachloride Alternatively , where a binary compound contains an element which may exist in more than one oxidation state , the oxidation number is indicated .
3 Both solids and liquids may exist in more than one phase .
4 It should be noted that ( a ) where the accused 's behaviour falls within s.2(1) , Ghosh is irrelevant : Wootton , above ; ( b ) that the accused may act dishonestly even though he did something which the civil law allows him to do , such as retain the overpayment of a bet ( Gilks [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 1341 ) ; and ( c ) that as a result of Lawrence v DPP , above , a person may be dishonest despite the fact that the owner has consented to the appropriation .
5 Now he knows I am here he may be more careful , or he may act more quickly than he had planned . ’
6 Snow may linger as late as mid-July .
7 Invention , for example , of a completely new recording medium like the compact disc may grow very fast because all of us have become addicted to recorded music .
8 or they may grow more slowly than the rest of the body , and so decrease in relative size , which is negative allometry .
9 The person who creates a crisis in a relationship which is not going well such that the two part company and he or she is able to establish a more suitable and rewarding partnership may do much better than the person who avoids crises and settles for a far from ideal partner .
10 Do n't get me wrong , I 'm not saying that companies should n't sponsor ballet or opera , but I think they have to not lose sight of sponsorship potential with the disadvantages as well as the anonymous giving branch , because small amounts of money to some organizations may do disproportionately more than the Scottish Opera
11 Universal and Paramount may do less well than last year .
12 Applications must be processed Assuming that the company requires a range of different skills , the applications must be divided into groups according to their suitability for the different posts Some applicants may appear in more than one group , in which case some account will need to be taken of their preferences Managers involved in the selection process must choose those to be invited for initial interview .
13 My neighbour 's utterances may follow more coherently if we construe them thus :
14 ( This process , incidentally , may begin much earlier than many secondary teachers suppose .
15 So an organisation may work very well if its people are motivated or skilled but suddenly run into bad trouble if the level of motivation or skill should fall .
16 ( ix ) Of course , the same word form may occur in more than one word class .
17 The onset of puberty may occur as early as eleven or twelve and can not be reckoned as the sign of having reached adult status .
18 As we have seen , some genetic change may not take place at random , or events may occur more quickly than Darwin believed .
19 Particular parts may move more slowly than others .
20 In fact ‘ alpha ’ teams ( composed of high achievers ) may perform less successfully than those made up according to Belbin 's criteria for effective task achievement .
21 Those who are thin and lean may fare less well than their plump counterparts at times of shortage .
22 They may communicate more fully than they would in real life but this is to my advantage as the reader because it increases my relief and my pleasure .
23 Since these females may breed more effectively when older the system is not necessarily disadvantageous to them ( Elliot 1975 ) .
24 By encouraging an individual to explore their ideas , correct , redefine and re-explore until a workable solution is arrived at , may take slightly longer than simply being instructed in that certain manner by an appropriate ‘ expert ’ yet the learning experience is infinitely greater and consequently more long lasting .
25 Entries which may take up more than one line must end with an END-OF keyword related to the initial keyword ; e.g. END-OF-CLASSIFICATIONS .
26 It may take as long as 250 years to reach that height .
27 It may take as long as a week for all the caterpillars to make their chrysalises .
28 The eggs of other frogs and toads not adapted to ephemeral pools may take as long as six weeks to hatch .
29 The process may take 5 minutes , it may take as long as 15 .
30 It may take as long as an hour to return to port .
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