Example sentences of "very small [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Turkish , incidentally , also shows a very small degree of optionality in the order of morphemes within a word . )
2 A month later I saw something bright green there , and after six months I had a very small field of corn .
3 Many workers begin immediately with detailed study under medium to high power on a petrographic microscope which has a very small field of view .
4 Its eyes can discern very small intervals of time ( it can respond to a falling hand in less than one hundredth of a second ) , and our clumsy attempts to kill it must appear ponderously slow , as if filmed in slow motion .
5 They found that even very small dosages of fluoride may cause ‘ normal ’ blood fluoride levels to surge to potentially harmful values .
6 The report defined the Yongbyon plant as a " radio-chemical laboratory " designed for research on separating very small quantities of uranium and plutonium as a means to control nuclear waste .
7 The only exception to this rule is the occasional use of very small quantities of gold or metallic thread in some workshop and masterworkshop items .
8 Any advantage bestowed on KGDC by its peculiar structure remains a mystery — but one possibility is that a molecule with 24 separate binding sites will be much more effective at picking up very small quantities of substrate .
9 For example , we saw in Fig. 15.9 how injection of very small quantities of acid and alkali produced regions of different colours ( appearing as different brightnesses in a black-and-white picture ) thus showing the main features of the flow pattern .
10 Moreover , only a very small segment of jejunum was exposed to the full dose of cholera toxin and because of the rapid binding of the toxin to the mucosa it was presumed that cholera toxin was not available in the distal small bowel to induce secretion .
11 Riderhood 's daughter , Pleasant , is an unlicensed pawnbroker in a very small way of business : ‘ possessed of what is colloquially termed a swivel eye …
12 Six years ago , Chambers had been in a very small way of trade , on the outer fringe of the dozens of banks that belonged to the London Clearing House .
13 Essentially , what you have inside an atom is you have a very small mass of core , called the nucleus , and around this nucleus you have lighter particles called electrons , which orbit in closed orbits .
14 But when you bear in mind the background points ( catalysis , the interaction with radiation , the notion of turnover ) you see how it is that very small amounts of pollution really could have far reaching effects .
15 The question is , will libraries , which spend very small amounts of money on the user education service , continue to subscribe to the services of the national clearinghouses when the financial situation becomes even tighter ?
16 Both sets of policies were weakly enforced and , as far as the positive discrimination policies were concerned , very small amounts of money were spent .
17 In brief , policies towards equality have been directed mainly towards geographical inequalities , they have been haphazardly applied , they have involved very small amounts of money and , during the present economic depression , they have , to all intents and purposes , been abandoned .
18 Some modern bomb calorimeters are so sensitive that they require only very small amounts of sample .
19 Even though banks hold only very small amounts of cash , they nevertheless hold a large amount of other relatively liquid assets which act as reserves , but which at the same time earn interest .
20 What must strike the modern reader is the very small amounts of out-relief involved in such cases .
21 The report which gives such a gloomy view of the state of physics ( Comment , 24 February , p 502 ; This Week , 3 February , p 287 ) covers only a very small part of physics .
22 It 's only a very small part of level four .
23 But such knightly combats , whether chivalrously conducted or not , were in fact only a very small part of war .
24 It also shows that their very small holdings of sight deposits enables them to hold very small reserves of notes , coin and bankers ' balances .
25 This is what had happened in 1931 when Ramsay MacDonald 's Labour government had attempted a very small expansion of spending .
26 Wave energy is attractive because the energies involved in very small distances of coast line are huge , witness the destruction of the Devon village by waves , with big boulders being flung up and destroying houses .
27 Interestingly , it cuts across several parishes , so that in some cases very small areas of parish land are isolated behind the massive earthworks of the dyke .
28 One way to stop them moving so fast is to put a very small tuft of cotton-wool in the water .
29 For the foreseeable future , units involving the microcomputer as a teaching aid can only contribute to a very small proportion of curriculum time — at present certainly no more than a few hundred hours out of about 50,000 hours of ‘ different ’ teaching in the school curriculum for ages 5 to 18 .
30 A very small proportion of cigarette smokers develop lung cancer , but almost all people with lung cancer are or have been smokers .
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