Example sentences of "people were [vb pp] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In what was seen as a serious challenge to President Daniel arap Moi 's government , four days of rioting in which more than 20 people were killed followed a rally held on July 7 by advocates of political reform .
2 ‘ I 'm interested in checking the times when various people were seen to leave the party . ’
3 A further 57 people were detained bringing the number interviewed to more than 1,000 since Operation Bumblebee began in January .
4 Mr Spurgeon and Mr Spurgeon 's people were determined to have a great chapel . ’
5 In the 1977 US survey , people were asked to give the order of importance that they attached to various different types of disclosure information about credit terms , and more ( 62 per cent ) mentioned APRs first than even the size of their monthly payment ( which was judged the next most important ) .
6 People were appointed to co-ordinate the work of remedial teachers in schools .
7 Only three people were allowed to make a phone call each week , which meant sometimes you had to wait your turn for weeks .
8 Hundreds of people were expected to attend the service for Mr Peacock , who died in his teenage daughter 's arms minutes after UVF gunmen shot him in the back at his north Belfast house .
9 So the Old Testament people were commanded to give a proportion of their talents and money to God as love offerings , thank offerings , sin offerings .
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