Example sentences of "people who [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is the more-educated people who most use complementary medicine , thus helping to dispel the idea that it is ‘ unscientific ’ and used only by the uncritical ; and about 10 per cent of clients going to complementary practitioners are referred by doctors or paramedics .
2 Frequent moves , combined with the anti-social nature of the American home , have created suburbs full of people who scarcely know one another 's names .
3 What cruel irony it will be if my own uncompromising and innovatory integrity should lead me into the mantraps set by the sort of people who scarcely know one end of a pen from another .
4 SO the Government wants to tax disabled people who already feel bad enough about not being able to work .
5 The Association of British Insurers points out an increasing trend among major insurers to offer selective cover for people who already have some elements of cover under existing household and life policies , or free with their credit and charge cards ( NatWest 's Gold card offers the only truly standalone , comprehensive travel cover ) .
6 Recent research has shown that people who list the consequences of dieting , positive and negative , and remind themselves of them regularly during the day , do twice as well on their diets as those people who just have routine dietary advice .
7 However , in group care situations , particularly in special units , individuals may be placed at some risk when left among people who also have severe problem behaviour .
8 The development of retirement counselling in recent years has arisen from the significant numbers of retiring people who soon encounter severe personal problems .
9 Breasts may be more sensuous than bottoms for people who either experienced great satisfaction at their mother 's breast or never had enough of it .
10 Almost every member of staff , including people who normally spend all day in the office , was involved in cutting raw squid and fish into slivers for the babies and at feeding time , every 4 hours day and night , each little bill had to be opened and the food introduced down the throat in the way the mother bird would have fed the chick .
11 Small meetings , regular get-togethers of people who mostly know each other , are not so much my concern here , because they will probably run to an agreed format and be fairly self-contained .
12 Some important insights have been gained from the study of people who voluntarily undertake frightening events as part of a sport .
13 But how was it possible for two different people who clearly knew some basic mechanical principles to have a go and produce answers that were nonsense ?
14 This Merchant is likely to prove a big target for American people who routinely deplore British Shakespearean acting and staging .
15 Suppose you are one of those people who really hates any form of organised exercise , what can you do ?
16 Obviously Stevie Ray Vaughan , the Thunderbirds and Robert Cray are the people who really got exposed and people started hearing the blues that way , although the Paul Butterfield Blues Band was my first exposure .
17 A lot of it is a matter of hearing : you just start to hear it that way after a while , especially if you listen to a lot of Coltrane and people who really developed that part of the language . ’
18 It 's a bit hard , it seems to me , where you have areas with a favourable population structure erm who are not willing to back up those with an unfavourable , with a lot of elderly people who perhaps need greater aid .
19 We will look a little later ( in chapter seven ) at the effects that disasters have on people , but first we will turn to particular sorts of loss , and some of the group of bereaved people who perhaps need special consideration .
20 The focus of the book is for people who only have two or three weeks to explore the mountains but Townsend also describes side trips and two long distance walks .
21 But there is something of a tension in Mill 's view , because he thinks that erm it 's very important that if there is plural voting then the people who only have one vote should be prepared to accept the situation , so that the reasons why these people are given extra votes should be reasoned that the public , the uneducated accept past critics have pointed out if that 's going to be the case , why is it necessary to give these people extra votes , give the educated actual votes , because if the uneducated accept that the decisions of the educated are worth more than their own decisions , the opinions of the educated are worth more than the opinions of the uneducated , if they really do accept that , what 's to stop them just following the decisions of the educated in their own vote ?
22 SD reporters in Lower Franconia referred a few months later to a ‘ tiredness ’ with ideological ‘ education ’ among Party members as well as the general public , and remarked that the winning over of those people who still stood aloof from the Party was ‘ still an unsolved problem ’ .
23 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
24 Tonight , we meet the people who actually put those programmes on the air .
25 there are n't too many people who actually go aggressive and wrestle the gunman to the ground , yeah ?
26 While the academic debate continued on the sidelines , the people who actually ran most of the risks being discussed took matters in their own hands .
27 The living room ceiling was hung with bunting , the kitchen smelt of roast turkey , the house was full of people who all knew each other intimately , the videos had been ordered and the sideboard was laden with drink and in fact everyone behaved just like it was a real family Christmas , except that Boy had sex with two other men in the bathroom , and they did n't even bother to lock the door because they knew that no one else there would mind , knew that they did n't have to hide what they were doing from the rest of the party .
28 Like tonight , faced with the ordeal of going to a grand dinner party with people who all knew each other and were far removed from her experience , she had acquitted herself proudly and well .
29 Advertising was a large tatty lino-floored room crammed with people who all wore faded jeans de rigueur , with a smell of spray mount , and magic markers littered everywhere .
30 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
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