Example sentences of "people [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The former view would see education as one of the most important means by which black people become integrated into the mainstream of white British life .
2 This means , says Jose , that people become tied to the drug culture , not only through fear but also through gratitude .
3 I have certainly heard of it happening in the present day , but the old methods are dying out as people become alienated from the countryside they live in .
4 Tuami and his people have escaped from the perceived menace of Neanderthal man , whose humanity they do not recognise .
5 There thousands of people have led into the gates of Prestbury Park .
6 So now the people have cut off the offending limb to save the rest of the body , their nation .
7 Black people have contributed to the culture of Britain in many ways and black athletes are now an integral part of Britain 's athletic success .
8 Nottinghamshire has always been an industrious county and the skills of local people have contributed over the centuries to the growth of a diversity of well known products .
9 Meanwhile , thousands of people have marched against the violence in Ulster .
10 ‘ Here we are , 18 months on , and 400 people have gone down the road . ’
11 If people have gone to the trouble and expense of referring
12 Figures for the 70s and 80s show that , in total , about 75,000 people have emigrated during the first 85 years of this century , and emigration is still popular in 1990 .
13 Simon Watney , in particular I would n't wish to denigrate , but clearly other people have jumped into the AIDS industry .
14 Since the locality in the case of a rural community is a village , with obvious territorial limits in contrast to the more amorphous boundaries of suburban neighbourhoods , many people have migrated to the countryside in search of a more friendly and obviously defined community .
15 Rogers and Burdge ( 1972 , 264 ) have also provided a definition of a community which provides a useful insight into why so many people have moved into the countryside in recent years , since it reads :
16 As it has developed the residential unit , which incorporates 2 beds which can be used by the consultant providing the psychogeriatric services , has developed an emphasis on early diagnosis , assessment and rehabilitation Two people have moved into the unit from hospital and a further 3 or 4 may be rehoused in a group living situation in a house nearby .
17 In particular , many people have moved to the Wirral peninsula and they commute to Liverpool through the Mersey tunnel or by ferry .
18 ‘ In the space of one generation , two hundred million people have moved from the countryside to the cities of Asia , Africa and Latin America ’ ( Hellman 1986 : 216 ) .
19 But most recently people have moved from the city centres to new houses in the suburbs , or to dormitory towns .
20 ‘ No doubt many people have complained about the difficulty of the question .
21 And I was hoping to cos I can quote you instances where people have trained in the health service , and they 've been told nineteen seventy four seventy five , when you complete your training , you 're not guaranteed a job in this health authority .
22 About 1.1 million people have registered with the share information office and only 700,000 with the share shops .
23 It is nonetheless clear that many valuable initiatives in the care of frail elderly people have arisen from the voluntary sector and few would seriously dispute a model of partnership between voluntary and statutory endeavour .
24 A total of 34,521 families and single people have applied to the local authorities under the homelessness legislation in 1990-91 .
25 Most people have heard of the world-famous Oktoberfest , ostensibly a folk festival and a time when Munich really lets go and gulps thousands of gallons of beer and schnapps , all in the name of tradition .
26 How many people have heard of the Clun Railway ?
27 Can I echo the comments that people have made on the value of rural schools to villages .
28 Where the soil is different there are abrupt changes in the use which people have made of the land .
29 I just wanted to erm pick up on a couple of points that er people have made in the course of a and responses I think to my er opening statement .
30 Reviewing the literature Every researcher , of whatever status , should spend time reading what other people have written about the area in which they are interested .
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