Example sentences of "people [verb] [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 As the century wore on more and more people became convinced of the need to ‘ organize ’ the dispersion of the English race round the globe .
2 Many faiths were broken before the people became convinced of the truth of the Myrcans ’ mission , but after a while , when no Myrcan had turned against the righteous lords , and they had not tried to usurp the rule of the Dales and the Vale , then they were at last accepted .
3 But as society developed , men began to take control of the world and felt their separation from it ; instead of seeing themselves as deeply identified with their environment , people became aware of the personality as perspicacious to itself and as a unique , distinct entity .
4 Many people expect this of The Smiths .
5 Existing policies keep most people occupied most of the time .
6 Between two and four million people visited each of the first three festivals , and the sites were dramatically improved — often at relatively limited net cost .
7 Some people put some of the responsibility for the growing youth unemployment on educational inadequacies , giving sustenance to the Manpower Services Commission 's bid to control low-level post-school education .
8 As people explored more of the world their maps became more accurate .
9 Since we can not count on people grasping much of the words at a first hearing it is the musical qualities which will contribute to the success or failure of a choral piece .
10 Ignoring polls that show the public to support assisted suicide ( though few people seem enamoured of the doctor himself ) , the legislature passed a law that makes helping somebody to commit suicide a felony , punishable by four years in prison .
11 THE Belfast hills will be alive with the sound of walking boots next month as hundreds of local people enjoy one of the highlights of the province 's walking calendar .
12 Likewise , you may have to pay other people to do some of the jobs , such as the decorating , that you previously managed yourself .
13 English and Scottish banks and business people provided much of the original money , or capital , for industry and the machinery for factories .
14 The people took most of the money , but decried it as a decade of greed .
15 Around 12 to 15 people attended each of the seminars .
16 A defamatory meaning is one which , in the circumstances of publication , would be likely to make reasonable and respectable people think less of the plaintiff .
17 ‘ The programme concentrates mainly on Hollywood movies , because they 're the ones most people see most of the time , ’ Wood says .
18 They 're very central , no more than a five minute walk from the beach , although most people spend most of the day around the large pool , surrounded by a sun terrace which looks onto the pretty gardens .
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