Example sentences of "also be [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Since the whole database is regularly copied to tape for recovery purposes the archive will also be secured by the same operation .
2 At the same time Miliband argued that these hegemonic powers would also be supported by the economic constraints ( crises of business confidence and runs on currencies ) possessed directly by the ruling class .
3 The support for jobs and training for the long-term unemployed will also be supported by the chambers .
4 We shall also be supported by the National Display Team and teams from Essex , Herts , Kent and Surrey and we are grateful for the contributions .
5 The appointment of the interim receiver terminates when either the petition is dismissed or a bankruptcy order is made , and can also be terminated by the court on the application of the interim receiver , the official receiver ( if not the interim receiver ) , the debtor or any creditor ( r 6.57 ) .
6 The trend for covering up on the beach may also be influenced by the fear of sun-related skin cancers .
7 Communicating can also be influenced by the economic status of the Local Government group which serves a neighbourhood .
8 These attitudes and intentions will also be influenced by the Importance of the purchase decision to the individual .
9 However , the house price cycle may also be explained by the changing nature of the demand for housing , which is no longer just for consumption purposes ( ie to provide a roof over one 's head ) , but is also for investment reasons .
10 Rural collectivism is one theme , but the continuity of subordinate loyalty may also be explained by the divergent style of Japanese Confucianism .
11 A better prognosis for recovery among sinistrals than among dextrals ( Subirana , 1958 ; Zangwill , 1960 ; Luria , 1970 ; Hécaen and Sauguet , 1971 ) can also be explained by the view that language is bilaterally , though not necessarily equally , represented in the two hemispheres of left handers .
12 These fees will also be covered by the agency .
13 People aged 65 and over will also be covered by the restriction of the MCA to the 20 per cent tax rate .
14 The appeal by the National Grid Company against Langbaurgh borough council 's refusal of planning permission for a sub-station at Lackenby , a vital part of the proposals , would also be determined by the inquiry .
15 The standard of provision would also be assessed by the Social Work Services Inspectorate .
16 He knows that he has to return with a deal , a scheme , a package that treats the scientific advice seriously but can also be swallowed by the industry .
17 It would also be evaluated by the staff group , and the information passed on to colleagues who may be taking up similar activities the following year .
18 That there is a conventional element in the distinction is shown by the fact that procedures expressed as programs can also be expressed by the hardware structure of machines : the principal programming language of AI is LISP , which has been in existence for about twenty years , but only recently has a ‘ hard-wired ’ LISP-machine been built , one in which the LISP programs are more straight forwardly isomorphic with the operations of the hardware .
19 As discussed in the previous chapter , relationships with kin will also be affected by the higher incidence of divorce and remarriage , which may weaken the support available to the old living alone , especially because , in such interactions , the notion of reciprocity over time is so important .
20 Choice of topic will also be affected by the funding of the research .
21 We studied only newly diagnosed cases of cervical abnormality because the persistence or recurrence of cervical neoplasia might also be affected by the factors under study .
22 Individual shareholders will also be affected by the changes announced .
23 These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries .
24 The plans for high-rise buildings and buildings for public use , when submitted for building control approval , will also be scrutinised by the fire prevention officer of the local fire brigade .
25 At the same time the stability of the product must also be studied by the storage of the product in inert tightly closed containers ( see controls below ) .
26 Project Development Manager , Richard Summley , says the Council has been very slow in reacting and he denies a claim that disabled patients will also be hit by the fees .
27 Other enzymes , such as nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) , if present , may also be activated by the Ca 2+ transient .
28 If the employer pays the salary but refuses the services of the worker and this refusal offends his/her personality ( e.g. , lowers his/her reputation amongst fellow workers , prevents his/her professional development etc. ) , the worker can claim that the employer be condemned to pay him/her compensation and/or to really employ him/her ; in the second case , the employer will also be condemned by the same judgement to a pecuniary sanction and to detention in case he does not employ the worker .
29 Clustering algorithms can also be distinguished by the natures of the clusters which they form .
30 Bonds can also be distinguished by the currency of denomination .
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