Example sentences of "also have a [adv] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The United States also has a far greater ethnic mix than Britain .
2 Everything he hits seems to be right out of the middle and he also has a much better routine with his putting now that caddy Fanny Sunesson has stopped her ‘ wicketkeeper ’ pose behind his stance .
3 The approach applied here also has a much closer resemblance to that taken in Cukierman and Meltzer ( 1986 ) .
4 The state may thus mould the company 's constitution so as to protect the interests of parties directly involved , for instance the interests of shareholders against abuse of position by management , but it also has a much broader right of intervention , allowing it , if appropriate , to redefine corporate objectives to secure compliance with favoured social goals .
5 But the Princeton theology has also had a much wider influence among more conservative Christians to the present day .
6 Psychotic primary problems also had a slightly lower profile amongst female GP referrals : only 60 per cent came into this category , compared with 74 per cent of other females although similar to male GP referrals ( 62.5 per cent ) .
7 Adenocarcinoma patients also had a significantly greater alcohol intake than CLO patients and two drank more than 100 units per week ( mean 24.7 , median 15 , range 1–100 units/ week ) ( p<0.02 ) ( Fig 4 ) .
8 Regarding the ‘ three slow beats , it is likely that Ländler , like minuets , also had a much wider tempo range than we suppose ( the range is still quite wide as they are danced today ) .
9 Adenocarcinoma patients also had a somewhat greater alcohol intake than CLO patients , median 15 ( 1–100 units/week ) ( p<0.02 ) .
10 Pluralist theories allow for greater scope for individuals , but they also have a far narrower conception of ‘ the political ’ in society These studies tend to focus almost exclusively on the constitutionally legitimised areas of political action to discover where power lies .
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