Example sentences of "also [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Gandhi has an election coming up and a big one-day cricket tournament not only goes down well with the electorate , but also goes a long way towards providing a short-term solution to the unemployment problem .
2 This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio , without taking precious minutes to reprogram .
3 Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley is a regular , and the restaurant also goes a long way to explaining Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke 's well-rounded appearance .
4 The Course also goes a long way to accommodate the not uncommon student experience of making a mistaken choice of degree subject .
5 The label also turns a blind eye to the live tapes released by the band .
6 Erm she would ask that and fine that impose today er , could be paid by her at the rate of five pounds per week erm , she er runs a car her invalidity income amounts to forty six pounds fifteen pence per week and she also receives a super annuation payment from her former employers Goldeson 's Hospital at the rate of a hundred and three pounds per month but she and her husband do have to er to run the home and er , and run the house er , run run the car and she would ask that she 'll be allowed to pay at the rate of five pound per week .
7 Each such pupil also receives a personalised letter reminding them of their entitlement to education and training , and guaranteeing them both an interview with an officer of the Careers Service and an offer of a place on a training scheme , in a job or in continued education .
8 The submitter also receives an additional mail message if the package has been denied , giving the reason for denying approval .
9 The submitter also receives an additional mail message if the package has been denied , giving the reason for approval being denied .
10 Micrografx also produces a customized PostScript printer driver , which also offers features over and above the Windows generic version , but it ai n't cheap — it will set you back £100 .
11 As well as a regular newsletter , the company also produces a helpful booklet , The Shark-free Guide To Financial Advice .
12 Any upturn in demand also produces a substantial improvement in profit in several other of our businesses , for instance Westminster Press , Les Echo Lazards Tussaud and I 'd like to remind people that we 're a very second half oriented company and that in the first half of nineteen ninety two we had some major one-off contributions to profits which very much helped the figures , but nonetheless , we 're pleased at the way the trading profits of the operating companies are moving .
13 This arrangement also produces a shallow perimeter ‘ ledge ’ , parallel to at least one external wall , which can be used as a window seat .
14 The Amateur Rowing Association provides information on affiliated rowing clubs , approved coaches and also produces a useful yearbook ( £9 ) .
15 The American palm swift also produces a sticky saliva but makes no attempt to gather anything as substantial as twigs .
16 This also produces a high measure of breakage of the bones of their prey , although not as great as that of mammalian predators .
17 However , eating large amounts of protein food like red meat , milk , cheese , and eggs also produces a high proportion of saturated fat in the diet , because all these foods are high in saturated fat as well as protein .
18 Apart from the support groups that CRUSE runs , it also produces a large range of literature about the problems of bereavement and it provides practical help in dealing with paperwork and other matters that a bereaved person may never have dealt with before .
19 Being unwritten , the constitution also encourages a piecemeal approach to politics ; an approach that gives little protection against a determined , authoritarian state .
20 The adversary relationship also encourages a constant escalation of promises by the parties , each seeking to out-promise the other in order to win the all-or-nothing spoils of a general election victory .
21 There is concern , however , that providing separate , specially labelled services which only mentally disordered people can use is not only extremely expensive but also encourages a discriminating attitude towards already stigmatized people .
22 ( Note that this also involves a lower rate of unemployment than the long-run equilibrium would suggest . )
23 But it also involves a descriptive account of human nature and institutions .
24 Production also involves a technical component known as the ‘ forces of production ’ which includes the technology , raw materials and scientific knowledge employed in the process of production .
25 ‘ It also involves a positive attitude towards pupils , a recognition of the motivating effect of priorities and a concern to work with parents and the wider community .
26 However it also imposes an artificial constraint upon the management of international affairs .
27 But the fact that corporate activities are not subject to high levels of surveillance compared to , say , lower-class adolescents whenever the ‘ Special Patrol Group ’ ( UK ) swoop down on ethnically mixed neighbourhoods , and that they are not confronted by regulatory agencies with sufficient resources to maintain an adequate level of surveillance through frequent inspection , also constitutes a greater opportunity structure conducive to corporate crime .
28 Adorno speaks from the vantage-point of modernism ( though , as we have seen , he arguably gives this too monolithic an interpretation ) : his ideal is an individual critique , which is negative in relation to society but also constitutes a positive synthesis — an alternative .
29 Her obesity also represents a spiritual condition extended into bodily metaphor : hers is an immensity of soul .
30 It also represents a major challenge to educationalists : not only should children be taught to use information technology , a subject that has emerged suddenly from nowhere with no teaching tradition , but all disciplines could profit from incorporating this new technology into their teaching practice .
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