Example sentences of "also [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This can be particularly useful , because although your dog may well master these quite readily in the privacy of your garden , it will also need to perform them with your encouragement in the totally different environment of the training hall , in the company of other dogs .
2 Banks that want to cash in on the consolidation of American banking now under way may also need to rid themselves of property .
3 Bidders must also promise to show plenty of local news as well as educational and religious shows .
4 We would also like to thank him for all the hard work he put into Lee Green .
5 So , you know , tears went out to her , but I 'd also like to thank everybody at Audi who helped me , and also his Grace , the Duke of Marlborough for letting the event take place .
6 Er , yes , well , I 'd , I 'd , er , I 'd like to make two proposals , first of all that we formally congratulate our officers for leading the team that er , put together this successful bid , erm , but I 'd also like to say something about these concerns about the boundaries because it 's Oswestry again , amongst mainly the sort of north of the county around Oswestry , which like with the rural development area , could be left out , and , of course , economic development does n't stop at a parish boundary people cross it , it 's part of their economic activity and erm , I know that some of the sort of proposed projects put together for the use of this five B money , er , around the Oswestry area , are extremely desirable projects , er , and are achievable projects , and it would be a tragedy if er , if they were , if , if we failed to achieve them because of er , a kind of a bureaucratic dotted line which say you ca n't have the money because you 're the wrong side of the line .
7 I 'd also like to congratulate you on the exceptional photographs in the Stephen Hawking article which were both honest and deeply moving .
8 At the same time they would also wish to distance themselves from the connotations of full employment with which Friedman was to invest to the concept of the natural unemployment rate ( see next section ) .
9 They will also try to inculcate you with a spurious respect for a ‘ culture ’ which not only fails to distinguish between what is good and what is profitable but which can not distinguish between substance and insubstantiality .
10 She must persuade him of her good intentions — for it had never crossed her mind that she would not repay him — but she must also try to convince him of the seriousness of her situation and persuade him to grant her a bit of leeway .
11 The umpires might also have noticed something at some point along the line !
12 Such mothers may have created an oral-maternal fixation in their children by their early and traumatic weaning of them , but would also have maintained them in a passive and otherwise dependent state , not because of their passive maternal solicitude , but because of their aggressive , assertive masculinity which caused them to dominate their children rather as a father might .
13 The union itself , the members will also have to do something about this as well .
14 The growing hostility between Richard and the Stanleys after 1484 can be explained in terms of the king 's policies , but it may also have owed something to the frictions of the previous fifteen years .
15 The grant of the chancellorship of the earldom of March to William Catesby may also have owed something to Hastings , although , given the location of the office , probably more to another of Catesby 's patrons , the duke of Buckingham .
16 The growing hostility between Richard and the Stanleys after 1484 can be explained in terms of the king 's policies , but it may also have owed something to the frictions of the previous fifteen years .
17 The grant of the chancellorship of the earldom of March to William Catesby may also have owed something to Hastings , although , given the location of the office , probably more to another of Catesby 's patrons , the duke of Buckingham .
18 The consecration of his new basilica on the anniversary of Assandun and the erection of a church on the battlefield could also have owed something to Danish interest .
19 He will also have to learn something about the administrative structure of his chosen place and how it has changed over time .
20 You may also have read something about the furore surrounding the production .
21 But as he walked , he became more and more convinced that he would also have to tell him about Surere .
22 Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell [ q.v. ] may also have used them in the Mediterranean .
23 As viewers of this scene we could also have deduced something about the relationship between John and Mary from the way they were sitting together and the way they looked at each other .
24 This may also mean protecting us from the seamier side of Chinese life .
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