Example sentences of "also [verb] problem of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The discharge process from distant hospitals also increases problems of liaison with rehabilitative and community services .
2 The number of walkers on the West Highland Way rose to 90,000 last year , generating income in local communities , but the visitors also brought problems of erosion and litter .
3 As a safety-valve mechanism as well as in the effort to use the peripheral labour resources productively , liberal economists such as Vera Lutz have recommended the encouragement of emigration to areas of labour-scarcity , but this may also produce problems of integration in the long term .
4 Just a willingness to be available for a few hours to suit you — within an agreed rota — to walk around the reserve helping people enjoy their visit and also avoiding problems of pressure on sensitive reserve areas . ’
5 While the mobilisation of large numbers of pickets may be advantageous to the union 's cause , it also invites problems of disorganisation and indiscipline .
6 Although primarily motivated by the need to combat localised smog the new standards will also reduce problems of carbon dioxide — the main ‘ greenhouse ’ gas .
7 For this purpose , it is often expressed per head of population , which also brings problems of estimation .
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