Example sentences of "also [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His language in the poems also differs with the simple language of ‘ The Sentry ’ to the much more complicated ideas of ‘ Futility ’ .
2 Crawford 's performance also met with a mixed reception .
3 Pearce also met with a considerable degree of resistance from within British Aerospace in his efforts to steer it through privatisation .
4 It is also experimenting with a hybrid telemarketing scheme called WinCentralDirect that fits in with the company 's plug-and-play attempt and puts customers in contact with NT-certified technical and business consultants .
5 It is also experimenting with a hybrid telemarketing scheme called WinCentralDirect that fits in with the company 's plug-and-play attempt and puts customers in contact with NT-certified technical and business consultants .
6 B. and P. were also placed with the foster mother on 6 August 1989 .
7 These litters were also registered with the German Rottweiler Club ( ADRK ) .
8 Though our passive acceptance of causal logic and narrative clichés is the novel 's main target , it also plays with the related theme of linguistic laziness .
9 In the same year Sir Thomas Roe went as English representative in turn to The Hague , Copenhagen and Königsberg ( where the Elector of Brandenburg then was ) before also helping with the Swedish–Polish negotiations .
10 The computerized drumbeats were overlaid with real instruments — all , incidentally , played by Omar , a regular soul renaissance man also blessed with a singular singing voice .
11 Under section 33 of the Act of 1986 , the governors are required to consult the local education authority annually as to whether the admissions arrangements are satisfactory and also to consult with the local education authority before determining , or varying , any of them .
12 Another aspect of Tom Gibson 's many-faceted talents was his love of music and poetry , both of which he also practised with an original and humorous flair .
13 Efficient , though not complete , competition was also seen with the shorter single ( lanes 7–8 ) and double stranded ( lanes 9–10 ) DNA fragments .
14 The loss of fluid from inter-vertebral discs is also connected with a slow reduction of one 's height over the passage of years .
15 In the Midlands and East Anglia individual examples from cemeteries were also made with a separate clay and also a specific set of dies ; one exception was at Newark where two die sets and two day sources were in use , but these were not mutually exclusive .
16 Some tests were also made with the few boxes of plants available at this time .
17 The Networked Systems Group Marketing Organisation was also merged with the Worldwide Sales and Marketing Group .
18 Stations at Darlington , Newton Aycliffe , Fishburn and Chester-le-Street were also operating with a single vehicle and at the time of the call all were out .
19 Alon also experimented with the basic design , building a 130 hp Franklin-engined version and a prototype Alon A–4 with a Lycoming O–320 160 hp motor , before selling the type certificate of the Aircoupe to Mooney Aircraft , whereupon Mooney changed it to a single-tail design and manufactured it as the M–10 Cadet , producing 61 at $9,295 each before shutting the line down for good in 1970 .
20 He was also presented with a hand-made set of mini clubs for Princess Bea — but he did n't pop round to Fergie 's to deliver them .
21 His wife , Marie , was also presented with a large bouquet of flowers by John Stewart , Managing Director .
22 Also presented with a 20 year long service award was vending engineer Tommy O'Donnell .
23 From the Carlowitz peace negotiations with the Habsburgs in 1699 , successive grand viziers began to leave him a good deal of control over foreign affairs , though he again was also entrusted with a wide variety of other and quite different functions .
24 The solicitor also checks with the local authority to make sure there is no rail link or other plan that will adversely affect the value of your property .
25 Powerful pincers are held close to the body , also equipped with a good ‘ cutting ’ edge .
26 The Pump Wagon is also equipped with a spiked roller at the front , which crushes and pierces any foes ( and Snotling crew ) unfortunate enough to fall beneath it .
27 The man is also equipped with a reserve parachute and a container for his personal equipment .
28 Each was also equipped with a Very pistol and two flares , one green one red , a torch with the glass masked by sticky tape to leave only a pencil-thin beam , and a radio transmitter tuned to a master receiver in Springfield 's car .
29 The Bank of England as well as dealing with the discount houses , now also deals with the other firms or ‘ dealing counterparts ’ on this market .
30 As with the differential vertical perspective cue , the horizontal perspective cue is a consequence of the perspective viewing of a surface from two spatially separate vantage points and it also varies with the absolute distance to the surface ( Fig. 2 b ) .
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