Example sentences of "also [verb] to [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Further tax relief is also given to mortgage payers .
2 It aims to provide the teacher or therapist with a pro file which represents strengths and weaknesses in respect of syntactic skills , although some consideration is also given to discourse skills ( initiations versus responses ) and functional speech characteristics , such as the use of commands , statements and questions .
3 These gases are toxic and damage human health ; the second also contributes to acid rain and the last is the main cause of photochemical smog .
4 But by asserting the ability of language to create true fictions , this celebration of the power of language is also helping to de-centre language 's supposed referential relation with the world of epistemological things .
5 Details of the peace plan were also communicated to coalition leaders and to Iran , but were not immediately made public .
6 Pensions were also assigned to parish churches ; Cirencester got 8s. from Througham rectory and Rodborough chapel 20s. from Upper Lyppiatt .
7 We 're also committed to tenant participation and er we 've done a couple of exercises already on the scheme and we 've secured some funding from the housing corporation to employ Anglian Design on our behalf with the the housing association er , to involve the tenants as fully as possible in the er , development process .
8 He also contributed to radio navigation and made observations which suggested the possibility of radar .
9 Phanerozoic TTD suites do exist , however , and seem also to relate to subduction zones .
10 Odour nuisance is sometimes also related to silage handling and storage and to processing and handling other feedstuffs such as swill boiling .
11 The gradual loss of alternating classes , such as ( pull ) is also related to merger patterns , as the end result of this long historical process is loss of a distinction which at the moment is still socially functional .
12 Poverty not only exists as a consumption experience but it is also related to labour market experience .
13 However , 188/730 26% ( 22.6% to 28.9% ) of responders had A level qualifications or their equivalent ( fig 2 ) compared to 19% of the general population , and this was also related to symptom score , the mean in those with A levels being 2.26 , and without 2.44 ( difference 0.053 to 0.287 ) .
14 If a link exists between body temperature and the sensation of fatigue , then it is reasonable to enquire if the abilities to fall asleep and remain asleep are also related to body temperature .
15 Laminin concentration is also related to alcohol intake .
16 His co-defendant , Frank " Frankie Locs " Locascio , was also sentenced to life imprisonment ; both men were also fined $250,000 .
17 Also sentenced to life imprisonment were Elena Reboredo Iparaquirre , Sendero 's presumed number two , and Zenon Walter Vargas , the group 's national co-ordinator .
18 The progressive system was also applied to carriage repairs , the procedure for repairs as follows :
19 Degreasers : Although a suitable description for specific products this term is also applied to engineering products which contain mineral solvents and other chemicals quite unstable for use in food environments .
20 Gold was also applied to ivory sculptures in Minoan Crete and in the chryselephantine work of Classical Greece .
21 It has also decided to expense items such as sleeves , labels and packaging ; these were previously included in stocks .
22 The NRA also appealed to water users to use washing machines and dishwashers only when fully-loaded and to use the minimum of water for gardening and car washing .
23 You can also expect to source peripherals like your printer in this way .
24 This could also contribute to retention validation .
25 THE MEXICAN National Commission of Human Rights also replied to AI members ' letters which expressed concern about the use of torture in Mexico .
26 The state earnings related pension ( SERP ) scheme also tends to disadvantage women as much as the basic pension , and recent changes to the SERP scheme have worsened their position .
27 It has also resorted to austerity policies which have affected prices , employment and real wages .
28 Italy has received comparatively little attention , although many of its foremost artists also turned to book illustration at least once in their working lives .
29 Flat-footed and high arches also refer to foot type .
30 The discharge of sewage from boats has also contributed to eutrophication problems in the region ( which is mainly due to runoff of fertilisers from adjacent arable land ) .
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