Example sentences of "also [verb] for [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Delinquent White youths were described as ‘ uncivilised ’ ; ‘ barbarians ’ who adopted unattractive clothing , listened to American-influenced music and ‘ savagely ’ attacked innocent victims ; they were also blamed for initiating a steady decline in sexual mores .
2 Nomura was also censured for breaking a rule which barred securities firms from holding more than 5 per cent of any company 's stock for their own investment purposes ( i.e. as distinct from holding them for clients ) .
3 Visual tracking skills are also needed for reading a line of writing , and searching and scanning skills will be brought into play in interpreting maps and diagrams or in reading mathematical tables ; handwriting , crafts and other practical skills require competent hand-eye co-ordination .
4 At one time , the water mains and service pipes were made from galvanised iron or lead and were also used for providing an electrical earth connection to the house .
5 Motorists were also criticised for using a carphone while driving , driving with one hand , bad lane discipline and being inconsiderate to pedestrians .
6 We also take for granted a set of linguistic categories which will be more or less common knowledge to those who have a basic familiarity with the workings of the English language , whether in literary or non-literary contexts .
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