Example sentences of "also [verb] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 They are also angling for control of the Careers Advisory Service .
2 Opportunity is also given for consideration of philosophical problems concerning the nature and status of different branches of enquiry , and of the nature of art and its connection with morality and social issues .
3 Opportunity is also given for consideration of philosophical problems concerning the nature and status of different branches of enquiry , and of the nature of art and its connection with morality and social issues .
4 A predominance of occupational unions leads to highly fragmented unionism and ideological and religious divisions also make for duplication of union organisation , thereby weakening bargaining potential and often making for difficulties in promoting effective representation of workers in individual establishments .
5 The clearest sign of puberty is ejaculation or emission , and glandular secretions also account for growth of the penis , growth of hair on the face and body , and the deepening of the voice .
6 He also lived at Bridge of Weir , and on his way home through Paisley , late at night , he stopped on the old bridge .
7 Staff whose employment is recognized as being temporary are also debarred from membership of any occupational pension schemes their employer operates , most of which are open only to workers who had satisfied a minimum service requirement — usually one year or more .
8 A change of identity was also mooted in view of the fact that in BR livery the numbers and names were merely painted on these locomotives .
9 Progress on these areas of activity should be detailed , with a statement also relating to achievement of targets .
10 On resigning as President on Dec. 25 , Gorbachev also resigned as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces ; the nuclear codes were handed over to Yeltsin .
11 The contains no explicit stipulation that the muderris should also act as mufti of Manisa — or , alternatively , that the mufti of Manisa should act as muderris — but it would appear that by at least a few years before 944/1537–8 , if not earlier , such had become the practice . "
12 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
13 Nehru was also hounded by part of the press led by the Daily Express , almost to the day of his death .
14 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
15 This also looks like anticipation of the ch , so it was probably a slip rather than a misspelling .
16 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA and Eastman Kodak Co have joined forces to market a fully integrated document image management system : Kodak will supply its range of document scanners , and Olivetti will provide computer hardware plus document management software ; this comprises its own IBIsys , Integrated Business and Information System , which integrates applications at both the client and server level , enabling transparent communications via a Unix host — it provides object-oriented filing , electronic mail , diary and administration services , such as printing and word processing ; also included as part of the package , is Wimbledon , London-based Integrated Documatic Inc 's Imsoft document image processing software , and Costa Mesa , California-based Filenet Corp 's optical document store and retrieve and WorkFlo software ; Kodak is also offering Olivetti customers image capture bureau services ; the document image management system is available now , price dependent on configuration .
17 The student 's supervisor on the placement is also interviewed as part of the assessment of the student 's performance .
18 Ministers also found in favour of allowing a methane terminal , run by the British Gas corporation less than a kilometre from the refinery site , to stay open .
19 This can also result in investment of considerable social work resources and therapeutic effort with inconclusive outcomes ( Mattinson and Sinclair , 1979 ; Sainsbury et al . ,
20 Provided there is sufficient interest , tenders should also result in certainty of sale within a defined period .
21 Malta has also applied for membership of the European Community .
22 The Society has also applied for membership of the Association of Independent Museums .
23 The future of the industry also depends on ease of access to the ports and a smooth progression through customs and immigration procedures .
24 The size of the note issue also depends on Bank of England intervention in the money market .
25 I also speak on behalf of the group New Consensus , of which I am chairman and which is both all-party and none .
26 UnivEd is also acting on behalf of the University in the creation of the Edinburgh Technopole .
27 The new patterns of the economy , the steady decline of manufacturing industry ( in which 6.5 m. of the population were directly employed at the end of the seventies ) as against the rise of the service and transport sector ( which employed 7.25 m. at the start of 1980 ) also told in favour of the redistribution of resources in favour of particular regions and occupational groups .
28 In answering that question in the affirmative , Lord Diplock insisted that the word ‘ reasonable ’ should also appear in front of the verb ‘ appear . ’
29 Applicants should note that ‘ AS ’ levels are also accepted as part of the general entry requirements for admission to first degree or DipHE courses ( see page 51 ) , and may also be acceptable in place of an ‘ A ’ level in a specified subject for the purpose of satisfying course requirements .
30 Lactoferrin can also present for formation of hydroxyl radicals by iron binding .
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