Example sentences of "also [verb] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They also admitted light and air if the barn was not full .
2 It is also becoming clear that case management is often effected by the service context , so that , like other service components , it may work less well in poorly resourced areas , and better when it is an integral part of a well resourced network of services .
3 The department also has extensive and state of the art facilities for modern investigations and diagnostic veterinary pathology .
4 Then , joined by Jason Lowenstein , another drummer who also played bass and guitar , Sebadoh released ‘ Gimmie Indie Rock ’ as a single of Homestead last year .
5 The humanists also hold baby-naming and wedding ceremonies , although the latter still have to be legalised at a register office .
6 The National Certificate is also to cover technical and craft training , and the ‘ off-the-job ’ component of training schemes like YTS .
7 They can also spend all or part of an honours year abroad , as the department and the faculty have links with many European and American universities .
8 They also look leaner and fitter — have you ever seen a fat vegetarian ?
9 Caribbeans who have come to Britain from abroad have probably always brought with them their own distinctively Caribbean varieties of language ; yet it is only in the last two or three decades that educators and policy makers — and to some extent , the general public — have taken an interest in " Black English " ( also called Creole or Patois ) in Britain .
10 Badgers ' coats are also getting thicker as winter approaches and this put them at risk from diggers who sell their pelts to unscrupulous collectors .
11 In indicating direction they serve also to stress content and method .
12 This latter intent is evidenced by the number of constables responsible for crime control in Protestant areas who see their role as also having social-welfare and community service dimensions , as illustrated in the last chapter , and , more significantly , by the fact that there are units in Easton specifically responsible for community policing in this largely Protestant district .
13 This processing , which is relatively complicated in the case of the complex inference sentences , can also produce role- and name-mapping .
14 It also seems likely that unemployment and other social problems contributed further to the view that Labour offered the only alternative to the failures of capitalism — no matter how illusory that viewpoint may have been .
15 No doubt both tendencies arose in part because the voters themselves became more strongly partisan at that time ; but it also seems likely that television became more strictly impartial ( thereby offending both Labour and Conservative partisans more ) while the press became more stridently partisan ( Chapter 6 ) .
16 It has also become clear that dreaming is by no means confined to REM sleep ( see Chapter 5 ) , so even if the theory was correct , the regime of REM sleep deprivation would not have been an adequate test of it .
17 At the same time , ‘ real ’ people have also become aware that fad and fashion diets do n't deal with the basic problem most of us face : to eat healthily and enjoyably all the time , while maintaining a sensible weight .
18 I said I was going to tech on a night for my maths A level and I was also taking General and English .
19 Where there is to be a major change in the nature or conduct of the trade , this , in combination with Target 's change of ownership , can mean Target 's carried-forward losses being disallowed under s768 , and can also disallow carry-forward or carry-back of Target 's unutilised ACT ( see s245 TA 1988 and s81 Finance Act 1993 ) .
20 The Minoans also had diplomatic and trading contacts with Egypt , where stone carvers were making representational bas-reliefs and larger-than-life-sized statues .
21 The virtue of this control/constraint approach is that while laying due emphasis on the significance of management power , it also makes clear that management control is not an absolute .
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