Example sentences of "also [verb] [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Eckersley had also given Joyce the telephone number of a German Foreign Office department which required English translators .
2 If necessary , patients also received enemas the morning of the procedure .
3 He also plays guitar a bit like Bob Dylan .
4 It also got Hoyland an invitation , which he accepted , to join Black Dwarf .
5 It also offers users the option to trade up to HP 700/RX stations or to add X terminals to their networks , and is claimed to be the only industry programme to o so .
6 The group also offers clients the opportunity to share experiences and receive feedback from peers .
7 The list might also include solidarity the capacity of member of one segment of society to evoke support from others who identify him as like themselves because of similarities in occupation .
8 The shops would also give people the chance to use a consumer complaint system .
9 Could I also give Mr a bit more thinking time by going off on another angle ?
10 United could also do England a favour by accepting another offer , this time from Egypt , for a match at Tannadice later in the season .
11 Irving Lazar , a literary agent , also made North an offer before the year was out , estimating he could sell his story for $5m .
12 This change also made imperative the development of links with employers , Youth Training providers and the tertiary colleges so that the quality of transition for young people was as effective into the post-16 area as it had been throughout their school career .
13 Eddie Gilfoyle also told workmates the baby was not his and that he had ‘ family problems ’ .
14 The quota film also offered directors the chance to work outside box office constraints and experiment with the medium 's possibilities , as Hitchcock did with Number 17 ( 1932 ) , his offbeat haunted-house Gothic .
15 All those surveyed by Caterer & Hotelkeeper made sure charges were displayed and also offered guests the choice of using telephone call boxes in the hotel lobby .
16 Chilperic also showed Gregory a gold salver covered with gems , weighing fifty pounds .
17 Also get Wilko a logon so he can send us match team sheets — Rupert
18 The word processor package which I 'm using to write this book has a couple of games built into it — partly for light relief , no doubt , but also to give newcomers the opportunity to play with the system , to get confident in using the tools .
19 They also taught man the rite of circumcision and the secret languages of birds and animals so that he was able to trap or befriend them , and showed him how to divine water .
20 The 90-year-old Dowager DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER is worth £26.5 million , but also gets £90,000 a year from the public purse .
21 The ‘ rich ’ — which for this purpose means the top two-thirds of the population — pay in full for GP consultations and prescriptions ; they also pay £10 a day for hospital stays .
22 France also denies refugees the right to work while their applications are being processed .
23 Siobhan 's placing in this championship has also gained Ireland a place in the mini-world championships , to be held later this month in Maxime .
24 ‘ The design also helps shape the image the reader has of the company .
25 Freculf also sent Charles a copy of the fifth-century military manual of Vegetius , an exercise in practical wisdom .
26 Readers also offer students the opportunity to direct their own learning through choosing what to read and how to tackle it : readers increase students ' confidence and independence and make language learning fun .
27 Apart from bestowing long overdue financial independence on married women , the changes also offer couples the chance of substantial tax savings .
28 It also gives governors a chance to practise taking the chair and to report back briefly and succinctly .
29 While this proves a very happy marriage , it also gives Eleonora the influence she desires .
30 Wearing specific copies of uniforms also gives children the opportunity to try out occupational roles , such as astronauts , or nurses as well as fancy roles like robots , or witches .
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