Example sentences of "also [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It also forcibly raised the question of the need for political change before substantial propaganda could be spread among the peasantry — a question shelved since the early 1860s amid general hostility to constitutional compromise .
2 This demonstration also forcibly makes the point that chaotic motion may occur even in remarkably simple systems .
3 Clinton needed five stitches in an eye cut he suffered in the first round , when he also badly displaced the knuckles on his left hand .
4 This is an extremely difficult task , and the operator requires various aids such as alarm systems and automatic cut-out devices which are also effectively monitoring the parameters approaching limits ( see alarm systems p. 225 ) .
5 In doing so the government also effectively devalued the lira by approximately 4 per cent against its central EMS rate .
6 The dual-route model of reading is thus able not only to explain an existing set of data within a simple theoretical model , it also successfully pinpointed the existence of an entirely new type of acquired dyslexia .
7 He also successfully defended the island against an attempt by the sultan of Kedah in 1791 to reclaim it because of the failure by the East India Company to observe the defensive clause in the treaty of cession .
8 It has also elegantly solved the problems surrounding theft with the aid of a computer .
9 It also fundamentally changed the nature of the Shah 's relations with his government and people .
10 He also lavishly praised the king , James IV , for his learning , love of his religion , humanity and political skill , although he expressed grave and prophetic doubts about the courage which toppled over into foolhardiness in war .
11 First , the cognitive model which structures the mental space in terms of the schemas of BALANCE and LINKS admits of diverse more superficial realisations , for example the " financial-numerical " metaphors of the play , and this diversity means that a number of alternative image schemas could also arguably explain the patterning .
12 The Act has also vastly increased the powers of Immigration Officers .
13 Bush also vigorously rejected the isolationist essence of Buchanan 's " America First " campaign .
14 A strong religious element also naturally coloured the hostage story .
15 Finally , we come to a group of countries in which state policy on education is not only constrained by external economic and political pressures but also starkly reflects the priorities of a small and exclusive élite .
16 Air pollution also apparently encourages the growth of fungi , and the spread of pests such as the bark beetle .
17 IBM and Motorola have also apparently skirted the heat dissipation problem haunting both the Pentium and the Alpha .
18 Recent developments in micro-computer technology have not only allowed large storage capacity for data to be made available cheaply , but also greatly enhanced the processing power of these machines .
19 Since sexuality increased the possibilities of genetic variation , it also greatly accelerated the rate at which evolution could proceed as organisms encountered new environments .
20 Peter also greatly increased the subventions paid out of church revenue towards the needs of the State , a process which culminated in the secularization of church property in the 1760s .
21 We also greatly appreciated the support of our sponsors without which the event could not have taken place .
22 He also greatly disliked the puritan and radical Sandys .
23 The spill-over effects of creating the SEM in areas such as EMU and external economic relations also greatly enhance the implications of the SEM .
24 Masterpieces by El Greco , Carracci , Murillo and Teniers were secured by the First Duke of Montagu of the second creation and his wife in the mid-eighteenth century , while as Rosamond Savile documents , the celebrated collection of Sèvres was acquired , in an astonishingly short period in 1830–31 , by the Fifth Duke of Buccleuch , who also greatly enriched the holdings of French furniture .
25 The two projects were seen to have differing conditions of implementation and are therefore unlikely to be synchronised in a ‘ revolutionary moment ’ , but nonetheless they can be seen as mutually supportive : struggles for democratic forms within enterprises may help to build support for broader democratic planning , while a sympathetic government pursuing the latter project could also greatly expand the opportunities for enterprise democracy by means of legal changes and financing .
26 This research successfully established the major stages of vegetational change but also necessarily included the influence of human activity , which was effective through modification of the biogeographic systems .
27 Well it does n't exactly kill them kill the it 's got it 's own smell which sort of tends to mask the smell but it 's also basically to kill the germs .
28 Nevertheless , some of these recommendations offer the possibility of co-ordinated purpose to user education and also perhaps stimulate the co-operation that is required for further development .
29 The result is patterns of support whose basis is probably far more complex than it appears to an outsider and which also perhaps includes the expectation that love and affection themselves will be reciprocated ( Summerfield , 1986 ) .
30 Having also personally experienced the problems at Southwark Offset , I realise how daunting the prospect of trying again must have been .
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