Example sentences of "these are [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 These are absorbed by the root hairs against a concentration gradient .
2 Ends such as these are reserved by the home fans solely for their own use — visiting fans being relegated to other areas of the ground .
3 We have to conclude , I think , that there is a very wide range of meanings which the progressive can be associated with but that these are determined by the particular choice of lexis and are not independently a property of the grammatical category of aspect .
4 The aim will be to evaluate the outcomes of the different social security systems and the extent to which these are determined by the particular value mixes which are reflected in their respective systems .
5 Other consumption possibilities exist as well and these are determined by the consumer 's ability to lend and borrow .
6 Although this sequence contains several ApT steps , located in the sequences AATA , TATT and TATA , none of these are cut by the antibiotic .
7 Many of these are obtained by the staff of employment offices in over 200 locations around the country .
8 These are adjusted by the user to obtain a flow of water at the desired heat before stepping into the bath , and the shower can be started as soon as the curtains are pulled round .
9 These are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General ( C & AG ) and published in the autumn following the end of the financial year .
10 Earlier manmetric studies of the UOS in children used perfused sidehole pull through methods with sedation , an approach that only gives a few sample values of UOS pressure and these are influenced by the effects of sedation and stress .
11 The chief executive in two is answerable these are monitored by the so that some staff are indeed paid in cash .
12 These are monitored by the board 's scrutiny of the monthly management accounts .
13 These are covered by the Warhammer Battle Magic supplement and are included as magic item cards .
14 These are covered by the Warhammer Battle Magic supplement and are included as magic item cards .
15 These are covered by the Warhammer Battle Magic supplement and are included as magic item cards .
16 However , quite often the valuable function of a lead lesson is not only the stimulus and information conveyed by the materials but the way these are deployed by the live teacher at the moment of performance , responding to little hints and reactions from his class .
17 These are activated by the function keys or by clicking with the mouse .
18 A budgetary control system begins with business forecasts and the development of a sales budget ; these are followed by the production budget , a capital expenditure budget , a cash budget and the various departmental budgets ; finally these are all drawn up into one Master Budget ; once in operation , period budget statements are produced to indicate performance against budget and the variances that have occurred-these variances provide the grounds for any necessary corrective action by management .
19 These are followed by the Atlantic Canaries , Azores and Madeira , which contain 10 of the most threatened species of birds , most of which no longer exist elsewhere in the world .
20 These are balanced by the gentler hues of shrubby potentillas … and generous planting of white blooms .
21 The trampling movements are intended to stimulate her milk flow and when these are done by the wool-sucking cat they reveal that it is treating the piece of woollen material as a surrogate mother .
22 It is often thought that these are supported by the arguments in Book 2 for the view that all ideas , the materials of knowledge , come from experience .
23 Whatever attitudes Protestants in Easton might have towards the police because of Northern Ireland 's social and political divisions , these are undercut by the police 's pursuit of crime and its perpetrators , so that some Protestant in Easton encounter the police in situations which encourage negative views as a result of the ordinary criminal activity they engage in .
24 Occasional springtime dust storms in the Fens are even invoked as an ominous example , although these are caused by the drying out of the peat soils and have occurred since the Fens were drained in the seventeenth century .
25 Each student 's registration number must be entered against his/her name on the student assessment and examination mark sheets before these are signed by the moderator .
26 More noteworthy is the declamatory freedom with which rhythms are interpreted — not only in the long solos for the second piano but also when these are accompanied by the most complicated rhythmic canons in the other instrument .
27 But even these are interrupted by the mountain chains of Burma and Malaya and only cover less than 150 of longitude .
28 They are financed by annual site fees ( paid by the developers ) and annual membership fees ( these are paid by the owners , though it is common for developers to offer free membership for a year or more , depending on the number of weeks purchased ) .
29 These are provided by the actuarial statistics er er er section of the life office , and they 're actually very accurate .
30 These are organised by the WI for everyone to enjoy .
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