Example sentences of "just do [not/n't] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are not lazy , they just do not think in the free-flowing goal-oriented way that the ‘ butterflies ’ do .
2 Trespassers and vandals just do not expect to be brought to book by passengers on a train .
3 Trespassers and vandals just do not expect to be brought to book by passengers on a train .
4 Occasionally , in spite of the long time which has gone by without so much as a cuddle , you have a dreadful day and you just do not feel in the mood .
5 I just do not understand at all . ’
6 This philosophical objection is really the same as the so-called scientific objection that miracles just do not occur in this world or universe .
7 Donald Unwin , chief engineer at the association 's Testing and Research Laboratory , said ‘ Many manufacturers just do not look at the problem through the eyes of the Third World countries .
8 ‘ You choose , ’ said Jamie , ‘ just do n't start on me ! ’
9 ‘ I know , I know , Marcus , just do n't start on this , please ! ’
10 Sometimes we just do n't think about how clever we really are .
11 Well just do n't think about one thing and forget about all the others .
12 Just do n't think about , right .
13 I just do n't think about it otherwise you do do n't you ?
14 Just do n't think about it , I 've got used to it now you know , so I 'm not shy .
15 we were talking about it at lunch time , you know , its one of those things that you just do n't think about , you know ,
16 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
17 Just do n't talk about it , ’ hissed Hugh .
18 Those sort of jobs just do n't exist for people like you and me .
19 ‘ We just do n't want to be in that position . ’
20 Many people want to help but just do n't want to be bogged down with wasteful committee meetings every week for years .
21 I just do n't want to be judged — or prejudged — by a title that shouts out my marital status or availability .
22 ‘ Well , you know , like … like there 's exploitation of people , politicians , racism , all that shit , you just do n't want to be a part of it . ’
23 ‘ People just do n't want to be part of a world that does n't have comparison , or spontaneity , where playfulness is just limited to football and sex !
24 I just do n't want to ever make any more mistakes again .
25 I just do n't want to be the kind of person who suddenly disappears and , in ten years , people say ‘ Hey , I wonder what happened to that guy ? ’ … when I 'm living in misery on a council estate or eating out of rubbish bins . ’
26 I just do n't want to be under an obligation to him . "
27 I just do n't want to be left here when I have things that need to be done ! ’
28 I just do n't want to be treated like — ’
29 I just do n't want to be humiliated in public ! ’
30 I just do n't want to be treated like , you know , object of pity or something !
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