Example sentences of "any [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The government has paid for the restructuring of the Villahermosa Palace to house the collection ; it is guaranteeing any short-fall in the running costs after entrance fees are collected ; it is paying $6 million rent a year , index-linked , for the collection ; it has introduced an indemnity scheme to cover the works of art , and has given the Baron and Baroness the last word on how the collection is to be administered during the ten years of the loan , at the end of which the collection is handed back , with exemption from Spain 's otherwise very restrictive art export laws .
2 The sanitized , simplified , view of the world offered in films like this anticipates later television styles , and mark the beginning of the closedown of any willingness on the part of British filmmakers to confront the difficulties of contemporary life .
3 Any willingness on the part of our courts to accord supremacy to community law is thus limited by two factors : ( a ) an unwillingness to hold that Parliament has limited its power to pass legislation conflicting with existing obligations under community law ; ( b ) lack of precedent for challenges to the validity of an Act of Parliament .
4 What is known is that nearly 8000 young people leave care each year at 18 and many others at 16 and 17 , and are not provided with any semblance of the help and support which a good parent would give not only to these age groups but often to many young people of 19 , 20 or even older .
5 They were capped by flat discs and had a smooth surface without any semblance of an aero dynamic profile .
6 Although everyone was a bit wary of an undeserved Soton equaliser , Beeney mopped up any semblance of an attack , and after good work by Strachan in not letting Benali shepherd the ball out for a goal kick , he dispossessed him , took it past another defender and played it across the goal for Speed to slot it into the bottom left corner .
7 Insiders say any semblance of an organisation has been abandoned .
8 They walked on grass , so as not to make any noise on the road .
9 It 's the ultimate insult when that politician belongs to a political party that throughout twelve years of Government has washed his hands of any responsibility for the rights and aspirations of people with disabilities .
10 Weak all along in terms of commitment , doubt now shows its colours and acts true to form by refusing to shoulder any responsibility for the unreality it has caused .
11 ‘ ( a ) For the avoidance of doubt , neither registration in the register of foreign lawyers , nor anything in these rules or in any other rules made under Part II of the Solicitors Act 1974 or section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , shall entitle any registered foreign lawyer to be granted any right of audience or any right to conduct litigation within the meaning of Part II and section 119 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 , or any right to supervise or assume any responsibility for the exercise of such rights .
12 This would imply that any particular ‘ Industrial Democracy ’ proposals which attempted to bypass or undermine the strength of the shop stewards should be resisted , but such particular resistance would be quite different from a total rejection of the supposedly malign effects of accepting any responsibility for the operation of enterprises under capitalism .
13 Although during the 1987 congressional inquiry into the affair Poindexter shielded Reagan ( then President ) from any responsibility for the operation , his defence strategy against the criminal charges rested upon the claim that he had believed that he was acting with the President 's authority .
14 I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter , nor do I shirk any responsibility for the actions taken by my officials or for the way in which the Parliamentary Under-Secretary handled the case .
15 I no longer take any interest in the company , nor , although co-founder , do I take any responsibility for the success or failure of present or future coaching programmes , standards of coaching or the selection of coaches ( Teaching Professionals ) at Sutton Junior Tennis Centre .
16 We further acknowledge and hold you free of any responsibility for the information contained in the Memorandum ( other than arising from the gross negligence or wilful default of KPMG Peat Marwick or any of its partners and employees or agents ) .
17 If you tell anyone your Personal Number and that person withdraws money from your account , then the Bank will consider that you have given permission to take money from your account and the Bank will not take any responsibility for the loss .
18 ‘ a judge has not and should not appear to have any responsibility for the institution of prosecutions ; nor has he any power to refuse to allow a prosecution to proceed merely because he considers that , as a matter of policy , it ought not to have been brought .
19 The fears of retribution were heightened by a directive from Washington not to assume any responsibility for the rehabilitation of Japan nor to assume the obligation to maintain any particular standard of living .
20 The Government 's record on unemployment was a heavily politicized issue , and just as in 1981 it vehemently denied any responsibility for the riots through its pursuit of free-market policies .
21 " The second phase of EMU will start on Jan. 1 , 1994 , after ( i ) the single market programme has been achieved ; and ( ii ) the treaty has been ratified , and by its provisions : ( a ) a process has been set in train designed to ensure the independence of the members of the new monetary institution at the latest when monetary powers have been transferred ; ( b ) the monetary financing of budget deficits has been prohibited and any responsibility on the part of the Community or its member states for one member state 's debt been precluded ; and ( c ) the greatest possible number of member states have adhered to the ERM .
22 Tests have been conducted at Lop Nor since the 1960s , including two last year , but Beijing denied any responsibility on the grounds that Lop Nor was downwind of Kazakhstan .
23 Thus , for several weeks both Monty and I were relieved of any responsibility in the matter and turned our attention to other and more profitable activities ; but I was foolish in the expectation that I should long be left in peace .
24 Thirdly , that there was no evidence , nor indeed was there any finding by the judge of any specific prejudice to the respondent in the preparation of his defence caused by any delay in the proceedings against him .
25 Mr Maclean insisted that it was nonsense to suggest there had been any contamination of the food chain or to make comparisons to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster .
26 It is important that the top edge of the pool be levelled as , on filling the pool , the water level will immediately show any non-levelness in the edging surface .
27 None could be admitted at any other time except for cases of sudden accident or emergency , ‘ which are taken into the House at any hour of the night or day without any recommendation whatever . ’
28 Nuisances and abominations of all sorts are without scruple committed to the streets at any hour of the day of night , to await the morning visit of the scavenger to remove them : and happy indeed is it for the humble pedestrian if his eye and nose alone suffer from these ejectments ; happy indeed if he comes not in contact with them , as they make their unceremonious exit from window or door …
29 They also pray for each other at a distance and give each other freedom to phone at any hour of the day or night if necessary for personal support .
30 The tourist will rent a small receiver for around £2 and press a button as he approaches any of the major buildings and monuments , where a small transmitter will then spout cultural , historical , artistic and commercial information at him in a choice of Italian , German , English or Spanish , at any hour of the day or night .
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