Example sentences of "any [noun] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So there are n't any plans to duet with Wendy James ?
2 Now for all those reasons madame speaker , this these orders er er today are inadequate , too little , too late , we ca n't vote against them , much as the the member who preceded me seemed inclined to vote against them and I wish that he had the g er the guts of 'is cu the courage of his convictions er he should vote against them , er we on this side are far more responsible er than that because to vote against them er might be an indication that we 're as much in frau in favour of fraud as members on the other side of the house , er we 're not in favour of fraud , we welcome any progress to detection of fraud , even progress that we asked for five eight years ago when the relevant legislation was passed .
3 For in their case an initial violation of the presumption of innocence is further compounded by a complete absence in Britain ( almost uniquely — see Shelbourn , 1979 ) of any entitlement to compensation for wrongful detention before conviction .
4 Has my mother any entitlement to income on the £60,000 as it was being gathered in by the solicitors and prior to it being handed over to the investment adviser for the purchase of the securities agreed by the trustees ?
5 The term coined by Banfield for this ethic is ‘ amoral familism ’ ; that it is ‘ amoral ’ is implicit in the exclusive pursuit of short-run material advantage ascribed to individuals in such societies , so that they lack any capacity to sacrifice immediate gains in favour of long-term advantage , and they are unable to associate any good to society as a whole with possible good to themselves or their family .
6 Regard must also be had to Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 and the necessity for any consents to mortgage from those in occupation ( see p31 and Precedent 11 ) .
7 Although she understood J. C. Ibbetson well , Rotha Mary Clay did not make any reference to Green in her book on Ibbetson .
8 Any reference to payment of rent by banker 's order or credit transfer should be vigorously contested .
9 He undertook to make Buddhism the state religion ( Aung San had thrown out any reference to Buddhism in the 1947 constitution ) , and he promised to create two new ethnic states , one for Arakan , and one for the Mons of Tenasserim .
10 4(5) This Act applies in respect of births after ( but not before ) its passing , and in respect of any such birth it replaces any law in force before its passing , whereby a person could be liable to a child in respect of disabilities with which it might be born ; but in section 1(3) of this Act the expression ‘ liable in tort ’ does not include any reference to liability by virtue of this Act , or to liability by virtue of any such law .
11 I left out any reference to brutality in our lives and assured them that I was well and healthy , which I was .
12 His conference speech was marked by the absence of any reference to membership of the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) , and in a BBC interview he added that he would have ‘ no announcement to make about that ’ in his key speech at the Mansion House next week .
13 Charles was fiercely proud of his wife and son , and felt that if there was any point to life at all , this was it .
14 Would it make any difference to life in this community if there no primary school in Village ?
15 Sorry does it I put my question very badly , does it make any difference to traffic through this particular part or Knaresborough where the relief road is ?
16 I do n't think this guide will make any difference to erosion on the hills at all .
17 And see s.24(3) : [ n ] o goods shall be regarded as having continued to be stolen after they have been returned to the person from whom they were stolen or to other lawful possession or custody or after that person and any other person claiming through him have otherwise ceased as regards these goods to have any right to restitution in respect of the theft .
18 In the first place this tax was not , in my view , paid pursuant to a contract that if the money was held not to have been payable it would then fall due to be repaid , thus excluding any right to interest before Nolan J. 's decision .
19 So we 're looking for a for a separate policy in the industry employment section of the structure plan , we do not wish to see any amendment to part of E two or for that matter to Policy I five , both of which we we fully support .
20 Peter Reid , the factor on Kildalton Estate ( 36 ) , in part of his statement said " I do n't suppose it is of any consequence to advert to the question of how people were removed , but I do n't think we can admit that there were any evictions , and I think there is no need , unless it is wished , to call forward witnesses to show that there were no evictions , at least in the ordinary sense of the word . "
21 To Riego liberalism had been installed solely by officers : civilians had missed any title to glory by failing to raise Cadiz after the army had pronounced .
22 The emigration has been encouraged by a series of British Nationality Acts stripping even the 3.25 million people holding Hong Kong ‘ British ’ passports of any rights to residence in Britain .
23 They are the inclusion of the Asylum Bill and the absence of any commitment to action against what we still — inappropriately — refer to , as the Home Secretary did today , as joyriding .
24 His aim is to be the first President of Corea and since he is 72 and has few more years left in which to realise his ambition he will use any means to hand including , if time presses , the blood of his deluded followers .
25 Mannheim 's reflexivity , his willingness to tolerate the limits of any claim to truth in his own work was unrecognizable to the epistemological scientism of American sociology .
26 The British Union of Fascists represented the mature form of the fascist phenomenon in British society , being the only organization with any pretension to significance in inter-war Britain .
27 How can I claim any loyalty to separatism after what has happened to me ?
28 Their mothers , they told me , often complained when they did n't want to take any food to school for their lunch .
29 Please send any information to NCVO for circulation to the coalition members for wider dissemination .
30 These figures exclude goodwill arising on acquisitions more than six years ago and any adjustments to goodwill in relation to part disposal in the year , since the relevant information is not available .
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