Example sentences of "first [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first story I wrote as a full-time reporter concerned the death of a local man who had been visiting friends in Indiana and whose remains were being sent back to Moose Jaw for burial .
2 He sits in the first pew he comes to and leers at the door every twenty seconds with the frowsiest of sighs .
3 A control group were asked to name the first vegetable they thought of and another group were asked to recite ‘ fifteen times ’ fifteen times and then to name a vegetable .
4 In the first instance we go to work in order to eat and drink and provide ourselves with shelter .
5 In the first instance it stemmed from an understandable utilization of familiar forms to furnish a reassuring and acceptable face for the new means of locomotion and thus allay the fears of travellers for whom speed was a new and potentially alarming phenomenon .
6 The first part we looked at was the diminished arpeggio intro phrase and main riff from the album 's opening track Perpetual ( figs 1–2 ) .
7 In the first part I argue for the inclusion of gender awareness as a valid dimension of educational analysis of the arts and , as a vehicle for this argument , posit a set of four general criteria which might legitimately be used by arts educators as part of a re-evaluation of the arts curriculum in this regard .
8 The first change they noticed as a result of the Revolution was the indiscriminate and wasteful hacking down of the woods by the peasants : large trees had merely been deprived of their thinner branches .
9 In his first experiment he cut from a sheet of mica a normal hour-glass shaped test-piece ( Figure 6(b) ) .
10 At first glance it looks like a straightforward consequence of overaccumulation ( chapter 11 ) .
11 Now , however , Freud expands that concept as well and interestingly enough he goes back to the first term he used for repression .
12 In the first chapter we looked at notions of timely and untimely grief and we saw that although the reaction to loss is the same whether or not we are expecting someone to die , the way it will be expressed does very much depend on whether it is something we might expect .
13 In Macbeth the first hypocrite we hear of , the Thane of Cawdor , has already been exposed .
14 CARL LLEWELLYN ( Party Politics ) : ‘ As soon as he jumped the first fence I gained in confidence .
15 Landing over the first fence he crashed into the prostrate form of the faller Meon Valley and was brought down .
16 I sometimes think back to that first talk I did in Mr Taylor 's class , and how scared I was .
17 Rehang the appropriate shoulder of the first piece you knitted from its waste yarn on to the needles you have just emptied , with the right side towards you and pulling the needles out so that the stitches are just behind the latches .
18 The first piece I wrote for the New Statesman , almost exactly four years ago , began : ‘ People keep asking me , ‘ On what platform will you be standing for deputy leader of the Labour Party ? '
19 The contributors will largely be from the educational faculty at the University , and in this first programme I have with me Professor Tony Becher , who is Chairman of the Education Area .
20 The first question he shot at me after the midday adjournment was , ‘ Mr Kennedy , have you been discussing the case with your counsel during the luncheon break ? ’
21 We stopped at the first bar we came to and walked inside , to where Johnson and Fleming , two English legionnaires , were drinking .
22 He ran down the first alleyway he came to , across the next street , over gardens and waste ground , and finally slowed to a stop , listening to the still night .
23 No. 1 was the first work she composed for herself to perform , and it is a pianistic tour de force .
24 At the first rehearsal he played through the Brahms Second and changed nothing .
25 And of course on the morning it was difficult to tell because before he took the first test he appeared to be fine until really the , the very last minute .
26 At our first lunch I asked for canneloni to fill myself up .
27 ‘ Listening is the first skill we learn in life and is our principal method of communication , ’ Kathryn stressed .
28 And that 's the first marriage they had in there for twenty five years were n't it ?
29 For the first period he took as a starting point his previously arrived figure of forty seven thousand five hundred pounds and as an end point a figure of fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds ninety six pence , derived from Mrs .
30 For the first period he took as his starting point a figure of twenty thousand three hundred and seventy eight pounds to cover the parents involved .
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