Example sentences of "first [noun sg] [prep] the year " in BNC.

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1 We stood beneath the trees — and heard our first chiffchaff of the year : ‘ Chiff-chaff-chiff-chaff-chiff- chiff -chaff . ‘
2 Incomes Data Services , an employment research group , says there was a rise in the number of postponed pay increases during the first part of the year .
3 Electricity companies sparkled for the first part of the year .
4 They found that the older children born in the first part of the year did better in reading and arithmetic tests than their younger classmates born later in the same year .
5 ‘ The first part of the year was a disaster , but at least now we know the reasons for it .
6 First part of the year actually .
7 The first mutilation of the year was reported in Expressen on 14 April .
8 One fourth-year student at C explained to me that several experiments conducted in the lab in the first term of the year could not be written up until the second term , after the theory had been presented in the lecture course , which obviously meant a tremendous backlog of work to catch up on .
9 In the afternoon , William Halliday achieved his first Horse of the Year Show victory some 12 months after leaving his long-term employment as Harvey Smith 's stable jockey .
10 STRONG demand from other segments of the construction market left Hewden Stuart , Britain 's largest plant hire group , virtually untouched by current problems in housebuilding in the first half of the year .
11 This would help protect Jaguar from fluctuations in the dollar-sterling exchange rate — the principal factor behind the collapse in its pre-tax profits in the first half of the year to £1.2m .
12 Figures for the first half of the year from the Building Societies Association showed that only around 54,360 people were in arrears with their mortgages .
13 GEI International , the packaging machinery and special wire and cutting steels manufacturer , lifted profit again in the first half of the year .
14 This followed the announcement that the corporation made pre-tax profits of £58million in the first half of the year , from April to September , against £4million in the first half of 1988 .
15 Post Office Counters , the business which includes all sub-post offices in the country , made pre-tax profits of £16million in the first half of the year .
16 County NatWest calculates that in the first half of the year to September 1991 , Hanson made £150m interest on its cash pile and £60m-70m from selling a subsidiary — in all , 37% of its total pre-tax profits of £588m .
17 Jews and the ‘ Jewish Question , were mentioned as such neither in Hitler 's New Year exhortation to his Party at the beginning of 1932 , nor in his notorious speech to the Düsseldorfer Industrieklub in January , nor in his ‘ Appeal to the Nation ’ , sold as a record in July and typical of his election addresses in the first half of the year .
18 We survived the Thirties and the war , we sold successfully up to 1987 ( a flourish of porcelain animals and birds sold out 90 per cent before the opening party , immediately after Black Monday in the City ) ; even in 1991 we had secured a collection which made the first half of the year look profitable .
19 Astronomical evidence suggests that this may have occurred in the first half of the year 5 BC .
20 Avoid over-spending in the first half of the year and set aside as much as you possibly can in the event of any tax demands or unexpected large financial outlays later .
21 FOR the first half of the year you should have plenty of attack , although you may be on the receiving end of a show of force .
22 The company dropped the bombshell as it plunged £711million into the red in the first half of the year .
23 Likewise , to reduce the amount of ‘ year end bunching ’ , an individual who invests in a BES scheme during the first half of the year , can claim part of the relief against his/her previous year 's income .
24 Deliveries of Cuban sugar , which arrives mainly in the first half of the year , load the Soviet sugar factories ' productive capacities in the period when they are not processing sugar beet ( Kolodov : 1984 , p. 16 ) .
25 The Report was intended as a review , giving a complete survey ( according to its prospectus ) of Chemistry and its Allied Sciences ; it was to come out in the first half of the year following that reviewed ; and it would give a faithful and ‘ whenever necessary , a complete digest of each investigation ’ in chemistry , and its applications in pharmacy , arts and manufactures .
26 THE number of bankruptcies in the first half of the year soared by 60 per cent , while company failures rose by just over 8 per cent .
27 Certainly a much better picture than the one we had in the first half of the year .
28 All this has resulted in our profit for the Division being significantly higher in the second half compared with the first half of the year .
29 to £225 million in the first half of the year — a substantial sum .
30 It blamed the rise in fuel prices on the threefold increase in fuel consumption in the first half of the year .
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