Example sentences of "just [vb base] [pron] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Look , ’ he added , taking hold of Robyn 's arm , ‘ if ever she starts on you like that again , just bring me into it — I 'll sort her out . ’
2 Just connect it to your hi-fi , walkman or electric guitar and it will interpret the sounds into colour , patterns and beams that project up to 30 feet , bouncing off ceilings and walls .
3 ‘ Sergeant , just refresh us with your information again . ’
4 It has this name because it enables you to alter the order of slides — you just drag them to their required positions .
5 Or just eat them on their own ?
6 Just send them into him .
7 I think it 'd be a LOT of work to run one … unless you could get those involved to keep track of thier own scores & just send them to you for ‘ validation ’ & keeping the table upto date .
8 They just send it to me , I send it back .
9 Well , if you say to him , that just say that and that , that 's you know , oh , just say something like , just say something like I ca n't keep up with him Dennis , he 's throwing loads of dust about , just say to him , think about selling , to you want to buy him back or , you know .
10 . Just want one for your pasta , yeah ?
11 You just let yourself into your own home and thought they 'd be upstairs asleep ? ’
12 Just charge it to my account .
13 Just dump you in it !
14 Just put one on it
15 and er , put one , just put one in me handbag in the morning and
16 Yeah , yeah , they just put them in their eardrum part
17 Remember that fellow at work who walked into that gallery and just put it under his coat ?
18 No , well just put it on its own .
19 They just put it on you see with a brush and it was a paste you see , all over the coach , and then they had a hose and they washed all that X mover off you see , the X mover was an acid and it ate into the you see , bodywork .
20 He probably had n't even paid for it , just put it on his credit card .
21 I , I just put it on his dinner , cos there 's no way that I squirt it in his mouth , I 'd probably choke him .
22 I just put it on his dinner and he , he 's licking all his bowls clean
23 So you just put it on your in that steel table I made
24 Or just put it onto your poppadom like that .
25 engineering , science in general , physics , it 's not Anyone can do the maths because you just put it in your in the calculator and if it
26 Just put it behind you forever .
27 So I just put you on it .
28 This is what I do to my teddy just hold her by her leg nice teddy , look !
29 What , what I want you to do is , just with you sitting just now , just lift your leg up like that , just hold it with your two hands .
30 If he did eat any food he would either chew very slowly or just hold it in his mouth .
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