Example sentences of "just [verb] [pron] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She got up early to muck him out and groom him and exercise him , and she babysat nearly every evening to keep him in good oats ( not Uncle Knacker 's ) and shoes , and when she saw the riders she was up against in the collecting ring , with their adoring parents and their fat cheque-books , it just made her all the more determined to beat them , because determination was all she had .
2 Yeah , and if he becomes just an auto run it could just knock him back a bit , one of the crowd , you know , just another one
3 Just push it up the bum .
4 You just lay it over a little bit more , it slides and it scrubs off that much more speed . ’
5 Well you just got it out the cupboard did n't you ?
6 ‘ Not to say pay her , I just helped her out a bit .
7 It used to be regarded as a premium fuel for domestic and commercial use , now we just send it up the chimneys of power stations .
8 Shall I just give you out a load and
9 Just put them down the way you think that they 're spelt .
10 we 'll just send them back the problem and send fully stamped
11 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
12 ‘ So I said , ‘ Okay , if we 're going to do this again , just drop everything down a f***ing third and let's get rocking again .
13 Just to spice it up a bit .
14 I 'll just file them down a bit .
15 I 've just had one just a little while back
16 Well , just wrap me up a couple then and I 'll put .
17 He just cleans them up every time he comes out , either
18 Just tell me where the gennleman wants to go . ’
19 No that 's part of the the windows washing but I 'll quickly washed over them just to spruce them up a bit but I thought if I put Mrs in that , is she driving , or is she not ?
20 Right I 'll just draw it up a little bit tighter , is that tighter for you ?
21 Is there not a Stanley blade knocking about anywhere where you could just pare it down a wee bit ?
22 I just find it much the same
23 Well , if you put a , just hit it down a little bit , I got , probably wo n't get through , but if you hit it down a little bit to give it a bit of spin it might carry it through .
24 Well we 'll just have it up a little bit else you ca n't hear what they 're saying .
25 There was a long silence during which she tried desperately to think of some further topic of conversation — just to keep him here a little longer .
26 Sometimes , he said we used to take them motorway he said to junction whatever at Dover and they 'd be somebody waiting there with the money give us the car we 'd go back to London and they 'd just take it up the .
27 They are also fogged by the dumb idea that we are just doing someone else a favour .
28 He just worked you over a bit , put you in hospital , big man ! ’
29 I just thinned it down a bit with this and that . ’
30 just screw it down the
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