Example sentences of "only be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 State enterprises may be converted into limited-liability companies or joint-stock companies , but financial institutions or saving co-operatives may only be converted into joint-stock companies .
2 Japan claims that essential data on the Minke population can only be obtained from dead whales .
3 Second , no respectable economist derives a trend by comparing a trough year ( 1981 ) with a peak ( 1988 ) : sensible figures can only be obtained by contrasting peak-with-peak or trough-with-trough .
4 15 Army Group had given instructions [ KP 153 ] to Eighth Army on 7 May that surrender can only be accepted of those forces in contact with Eighth Army .
5 1.1 Any order sent to the Seller by the Purchaser shall be accepted entirely at the discretion of the Seller , and , if so accepted , will only be accepted upon these conditions ( hereafter referred to as the " Conditions " ) and by means of the Seller 's standard order acknowledgement form .
6 CANCELLATION : When you book your accommodation , you will be entering into a legally binding contract which can only be broken by mutual consent .
7 Arrowhead should only be grown with other alkaline-loving species .
8 Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference .
9 Lucerne , on which Young set such high hopes , could only be grown on deep soils or on irrigated land , and there it was to produce a minor revolution . ’
10 Arable crops can only be grown on any significant scale on the comparatively small areas of grade 1 and 2 land .
11 As it can only be grown in Northern India among the foothills of the Himalayas , it is naturally always in great demand and once you savour the fragrance and taste of the rice for yourself you will understand why .
12 It is Horsey Mere , and the causeway across it ( the Wade ) can only be crossed within two hours each way of low tide .
13 Such discrepancies can only be bridged by national funding . ’
14 He quoted Lord Atkin that the doctrine of public policy ‘ should only be invoked in clear cases in which the harm to the public is substantially incontestable , and does not depend upon the idiosyncratic inferences of a few judicial minds ’ .
15 In Stage II , however , resits may only be given on compulsory modules , normally including projects and dissertations .
16 The first is that the retention by the state of taxes unlawfully exacted is particularly obnoxious , because it is one of the most fundamental principles of our law — enshrined in a famous constitutional document , the Bill of Rights 1688 — that taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament ; and full effect can only be given to that principle if the return of taxes exacted under an unlawful demand can be enforced as a matter of right .
17 Credit will only be given for technical articles and credit for this type of reading is unlikely to account for more than 25% of total unstructured CPE .
18 HRP can only be given for complete tax years ( 6 April to 5 April ) , so if you simply gave up work for a few weeks in order to help out , you would be unlikely to qualify .
19 In any fairly homogeneous society the meaning of even such basic valuational words as ‘ right ’ and ‘ wrong ’ can only be given in such value charged definitions , which point to the society 's shared values .
20 But a new entity , MODULE can be described which may only be given by one LECTURER and is part of only one COURSE .
21 HIV can only be transmitted in certain ways .
22 Marx 's challenge to capitalism therefore took the general form of demonstrating the general forces which govern the history of man , and demonstrating how historical processes produce systems of institutions and ideas os such complexity that their origin can only be discovered with great theoretical effort and by examination of the historical evidence .
23 Indeed , here is a reminder that Christmas can only be understood in the light of later events , can only be discovered in all its wonderful freshness and life when we discover for ourselves that Jesus is the human face of God .
24 Just because Ben Nevis is a popular peak do n't be lulled into a false sense of security — it 's a peak worthy of respect and in snow and mist should only be tackled by experienced walkers .
25 It should only be tackled by fit walkers who know what they 're doing with a map and compass .
26 Not surprisingly therefore , the results of the 1983 survey show that mass unemployment ‘ has created a serious new risk of what can only be regarded as downward social mobility — and that risk is much greater for men in working class positions , by whatever route they come into them , than it is for others ’ ( p. 17 ) .
27 To present such fantasy in your article as though it were fact is unworthy of your newspaper and can only be regarded as malicious mischief-making .
28 Buildings — and not just historic ones — represent energy , labour and materials , which either can not be replaced or can only be replaced at enormous cost .
29 For some departments in the University visits can normally only be arranged on certain weekdays ( typically Wednesday afternoons ) , and some faculties have preferred days for visits : Law ( Friday afternoons ) ; Medicine ( Wednesday afternoons only ) ; Music ( Thursday afternoons ) .
30 SVQs will therefore not only be recognised within that industry but will also be regarded as a counterpart of the NVQs accredited by NCVQ in England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
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