Example sentences of "only see the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clients came in at 45p plus , only to see the share price drop rapidly to 18p , although it did later recover .
2 A foolish general might surround his Pump Wagon with friendly units only to see the machine crunch through his own lines in the first turn !
3 They raced onto the platform , followed a minute or two later by a panting Naseby , only to see the railway train , now bearing Miss Throgmorton , steaming slowly away , enveloping them in white smoke .
4 In Rulfo 's Pedro Páramo , likewise , the frustration that embitters the eponymous protagonist 's life and the dashing of illusions that is the pattern of existence as depicted in the novel , are symbolized by an episode in which young Pedro and his lover climb a hill and fly a kite in the shape of a bird , only to see the string break and the kite fall back to earth , and the novel as a whole is punctuated by recurrent images of rising and falling which reiterate the central theme of the thwarting of human hopes and aspirations .
5 Granny was seated in her rocking chair facing the fireplace , but her back was to me and I could only see the paper curlers she had in her hair .
6 We only saw the adult shearwaters at sea and they looked a bit like a small Manx shearwater , but with a brownish tinge to the upper parts .
7 But oh , Nicodemus if you only see him as a teacher you only see the minute part of me !
8 You only see the business side of him — that is , apart from last night , ’ he added with a meaningful smile .
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