Example sentences of "only if [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We all agree that small stores are important , but they can remain viable only if they can carry out their trading on Sundays .
2 Governments can raise tax revenue only if they can identify the activities on which the tax rates apply .
3 Overseas markets too are affected , for only if they can reach ports at reasonable cost and efficiency can goods be readily exported .
4 In turn , they will be able to buy only if they can raise the money to bid , which depends on investors ' assessment of the risk and likely return .
5 It has decided that individual states can refuse imports of waste from neighbouring countries , but only if they can prove that the trade is dangerous to their health or environment .
6 I want to make it absolutely clear that general practitioners voluntarily choose to run fund-holding practices and are not forced by the Government to do so — and GPs will take that step only if they can see benefits for their patients .
7 That there will be fierce opposition to such changes is fairly certain , and there will be vociferant arguments against them , and whilst these must be listened to , they must be allowed to have influence only if they can help in the process of bringing into being the new philosophy or religion .
8 Once , the Harvard training officer allowed a dealer to visit a wealthy businessman who had expressed an interest in picking up Hard Rock Cafe shares , ( as he had contacts there ) but only if they could meet up .
9 Only if we can find the document , ’ Charlotte cautioned .
10 It is only if we can read that record that we can discover some very important biological characteristics of human beings , since ( to repeat an earlier point ) it is through convention , convention that has a history , that human nature is expressed .
11 ‘ All right , but only if we can come back here .
12 Only if we could picture the universe in terms of imaginary time would there be no singularities .
13 Only if you can do so , only if you can waken a deep concern with other human beings , is there any possible basis for moral argument .
14 Only if you can do so , only if you can waken a deep concern with other human beings , is there any possible basis for moral argument .
15 it 's only if you can reinforce it
16 * Analysing the structure of a text is useful only if you can make something of it , such as linking it with something else about the text in a correlation or causal relation ( see p. 53 ) .
17 ‘ It is , but , ’ she was stung into replying , ‘ only if you can keep all your salary for yourself .
18 It 's alright , only if you can let , all of you that have expenses , can you let me have them by next Wednesday and erm , I will , I can pay you out then at the meeting and erm , because you know , everything has to be in erm by the end of this month .
19 But , without your low-calorie dressing to hand ( you could smuggle it in a hip flask , perhaps ) , order a baked potato in restaurants only if you can resist that terribly high-calorie sour cream or butter .
20 THERE 'S a feast of live football this week — but only if you can get near a TV set with a satellite .
21 Only if I can kneecap first .
22 Only if I can keep it if she does n't . ’
23 Only if I can kill you myself ! ’
24 Only if I can have a lump of your bread .
25 I agreed to marriage counselling but only if I could go alone , although I knew that going alone was a bit like filing fiddled expenses .
26 Mitsubishi is also hoping to sell a lower-spec Sigma in the UK — but only if it can secure the cars from the factory in Japan , and negotiate an increase in its UK import quota .
27 Shell has specified that the detector will be deemed safe to use only if it can withstand intensities of up to 8 v/m .
28 He asked me if I was willing to let Jehovah into my life to which I replied , ‘ Only if he can score goals ’ .
29 Searle 's position can have cogency only if he can show that a computer which is allowed to look through the window ( and preferably touch things as well ) could not succeed , though in these conditions the Westerner would succeed .
30 Michael Croggon 's studies could help save the Amazonian rain forests … but only if he can find the money to fund his own daily care .
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