Example sentences of "only [vb past] [pers pn] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It only got us the £15 at The Marquee for doing a show for Radio London , the old pirate radio station .
2 I 'm glad I did n't buy a sling because I only used it a couple of times .
3 ‘ My parents only told me a bit about them , ’ said Creggan , ‘ and I only saw one once when a pair came close to my homesite and my mother attacked them .
4 He erm , he left school , he only told them the day before .
5 And when I worked for her boss he only paid me a fiver !
6 hello , hi Matt , alright I did an absolute steamer , excellent , did it really well , it only took me an hour and ten minutes it took me an hour and ten minutes I have n't no I knew , I knew vaguely , knew vaguely enough I mean I have , perfect question came up just describe er the youths portrayed in the er book and there was only two , there was the main character who I got most of the stuff from , from what Katie told me and the rest was the other bloke was called Carston Corsalius and basically all we knew about him was he fancied this other one , the main character , and erm was a journalist , that was it ah put it in nine times , no , I , I do n't know what it means eh , er Matt did n't come in , er a bit of a shame could n't no yeah , what did you really want ? or was that it ? yeah yeah , fixed , flexible and managed yes fixed , flex , fixed , flexible and managed oh right yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , do n't they and er advantages and disadvantages of indirect tax was , untax and direct was the other one , you know it indirect taxes yes yeah I ca n't remember , I really ca n't remember , like a colour yeah , you wan na know both of those , I 'd , I , I could n't remember all of demand pull , I put down the wage , price , wage spiral or the waged price spiral , that 's a stinker that is , that 's a beauty , I put that down , its ' a beaut , that 's my best diagram and I did three diagram' in four essays I hate doing diagram' yeah he 's here now , we 're about to go for a quick drink like , he says he 's been revising all day so erm , and I shall , I shall brief him , just as you would expect , I shall tell him all he needs I do n't , I do n't want to leave him in the lurch okay see you in French yeah , bye , bye , bye
7 Helen Crane , an ex-secretary , valued her job because it not only gave her the experience of autonomy , but it publicly valued her exercise of this responsibility :
8 We stood eyeing each other for a few minutes and then to my amazement a jeep came up ; the farmer saw my problem and not only gave me a lift past the bull but took me right to the main road where the bike was .
9 ‘ There 's an inside to things , ’ he explained , ‘ and print only gave me the outside .
10 Maybe he just did n't think when they showed him it , that it was n't the right one cos I suppose if you 've seen them every day you do n't , it does n't register it 's just the fact that of course your dad only gave him the price of the blue and white
11 But this only gave us a taste of the variety of altered states we would encounter ahead .
12 We , you only gave us the themes .
13 Not only had they no documents going back more than a century or two , but much of what they ‘ knew ’ was merely myth and legend .
14 Not only had she a history of past Amativeness ( the fact that she was a " fallen woman " and so forth ) , but anyone who looked at her could see Amativeness written all over her .
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