Example sentences of "only [adv] [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although many patients are quite fit when admitted to the ward , they will become completely dependent when they have an anaesthetic and may only slowly return to independence after a surgical procedure .
2 Zinc ( 13 µM ) in gastric juice has not been measured previously , but most zinc is only weakly bound to albumin in plasma and this probably explains why the zinc concentrations in gastric juice are higher relative to copper .
3 These sorts of childhood problems are only weakly linked to adult schizophrenia and alcoholism , and completely unrelated to manic depressive illness or anxiety neurosis .
4 Only just moved to York , so I have n't erm kind of got affiliation with anything .
5 She 's only just moved to Berlin so I do n't know much about her — these provincials …
6 She must be dreaming , but surely she had only just gone to sleep .
7 On an associated matter , I have only just written to Mrs Sharp formally requesting permission to borrow the large Slezer view of Edinburgh from the North currently hanging in the Edinburgh Room .
8 Townsend , who has only just returned to Premiership action for new club Aston Villa , said : ‘ It has been a slight worry but I 'm in no pain and after today 's training I know I 'll definitely play . ’
9 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
10 The Christmas Eve assault has only just come to light because the 13-year-old victim was too terrified to report it earlier .
11 and er I mean and these were three young girls , they only just started to work and yet they 'd got a car and as soon as they finished they they were going on this picnic
12 But they , like the third Limerick club dominating the league — Young Munster — are only gradually coming to terms with the demands for 15-man attacking play .
13 Will he please take the most urgent steps to correct that , because it is not only deeply damaging to companies in my constituency but harmful to the image of the Community ?
14 ‘ I only ever go to church when I have to go to funerals , ’ said Amiss gloomily .
15 Over these erm past couple of weeks we 've been looking at er some of the questions in the New Testament , we thought a couple of weeks back of the question that Jesus asked his disciples , do you think I 'm able to do this and then last week we looked at a question that the disciples put to Jesus , that time when they came down from the mountain and they found the re , three of them came down with Jesus from the mountain of transfiguration and they found the other disciples with a man who and a , whose son was demon possessed and er they had been unable to help him and the man or brings his son to Jesus and Jesus delivers him and afterwards the disciples who had been so helpless put the question to Jesus , why could we not cast out this demon and this morning I 'd like us to look at another question , we 've got another one today and one God willing next week , er and the question is , is found in Luke chapter thirteen , let me just read a few verses , because of course it 's , it 's not just the questions , it 's the answers that are important as well in Luke chapter thirteen , gon na read from verse twenty two it says in Jesus was passing through from one city and village to another , teaching and proceeding on his way to Jerusalem now that gives us a clue in that , because Jesus only ever went to Jerusalem apart from when he was a boy , he only ever went to Jerusalem once and that , after since that time , and that was when he was crucified , so Jesus was now on his way to Jerusalem , it was the latter days , the latter weeks of the life of Jesus , he was making his way now to Jerusalem and someone said to him Lord are there just a few who are being saved and Jesus said to hi , to them , strive to enter by the narrow door for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able , once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door saying Lord open to us , then he will answer and say to you I do not know where you are from , then you will begin to say we ate and drank in your presence and you taught in our streets , and he will say I tell you I do not know where you are from , depart from me all you evil doers , there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there , when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the profits in the kingdom of God , but yourselves being cast out and they will come from East and West and from North and South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , and behold some ar some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last , so it 's just that question then , let's remind ourselves that is put to Jesus Lord are there just a few who are being saved
16 Over these erm past couple of weeks we 've been looking at er some of the questions in the New Testament , we thought a couple of weeks back of the question that Jesus asked his disciples , do you think I 'm able to do this and then last week we looked at a question that the disciples put to Jesus , that time when they came down from the mountain and they found the re , three of them came down with Jesus from the mountain of transfiguration and they found the other disciples with a man who and a , whose son was demon possessed and er they had been unable to help him and the man or brings his son to Jesus and Jesus delivers him and afterwards the disciples who had been so helpless put the question to Jesus , why could we not cast out this demon and this morning I 'd like us to look at another question , we 've got another one today and one God willing next week , er and the question is , is found in Luke chapter thirteen , let me just read a few verses , because of course it 's , it 's not just the questions , it 's the answers that are important as well in Luke chapter thirteen , gon na read from verse twenty two it says in Jesus was passing through from one city and village to another , teaching and proceeding on his way to Jerusalem now that gives us a clue in that , because Jesus only ever went to Jerusalem apart from when he was a boy , he only ever went to Jerusalem once and that , after since that time , and that was when he was crucified , so Jesus was now on his way to Jerusalem , it was the latter days , the latter weeks of the life of Jesus , he was making his way now to Jerusalem and someone said to him Lord are there just a few who are being saved and Jesus said to hi , to them , strive to enter by the narrow door for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able , once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door saying Lord open to us , then he will answer and say to you I do not know where you are from , then you will begin to say we ate and drank in your presence and you taught in our streets , and he will say I tell you I do not know where you are from , depart from me all you evil doers , there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there , when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the profits in the kingdom of God , but yourselves being cast out and they will come from East and West and from North and South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , and behold some ar some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last , so it 's just that question then , let's remind ourselves that is put to Jesus Lord are there just a few who are being saved
17 This work , however , only really came to fruition in Engels 's famous book The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , a book which although written after Marx 's death was extensively based on his notes .
18 We had only really talked to Mr Postman on the regular occasions — Dusshera , Diwali , Christmas , New Year — that he came looking for tips , but were flattered by the invitation and out of curiosity decided to take it up .
19 It is well known that the Princess wanted ‘ out ’ of the Royal Family , but to her fellow passengers it was also clear she is only now coming to terms with the fact that she really is out — and quite alone .
20 Ask Americans today who are only now coming to terms with the gross exploitation of native Indians and natural resources , which their forefathers accomplished in the name of ‘ progress ’ .
21 Some of the answers are only now coming to light as we find out more about the structures of the proteins that go to make up living cells themselves .
22 The full impact of last Thursday 's freak storm in Llandudno , Conwy and the surrounding areas is only now coming to light and it could be several months before some of the 500 people forced to leave their homes will be able to return .
23 It will be easiest to explain the principles of heredity with the traits in which they were originally discovered , and only then to turn to behaviour .
24 It is interesting to note that attitudes towards the outcomes of SSE , in terms of the promotion of change in schools , are only minimally correlated to attitudes towards the processes .
25 Beating straps are only occasionally fitted to boards and , as the name suggests , their sole use is for sailing into wind .
26 It exists largely as a product of the institutions of higher education ( Sarsby 1984 : 132 ) and has only recently begun to surface in policy and practice .
27 He had been with the police for 14 years and only recently transferred to Whickham police station near Gateshead .
28 I confirm to the hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland ( Mr. Wallace ) that the exemption level was introduced at £15,000 many years ago and was only recently raised to £45,000 .
29 Murray 's Just Jeremy , on which she led the dressage section from Thomson by less than half a point , has only recently returned to competition following a lengthy lay-off after an operation to cure a breathing problem .
30 The road has only recently come to Uçagiz ; the whole area emanates a powerful feeling of being on the edge of the world .
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