Example sentences of "only [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Surely she is not suggesting that only her side of the case should have been put .
2 ‘ Papa , tell Belle Maman that if she looks at the baby like that , I shall get only her hat in the picture … ’
3 He saw only its remnants in the unenclosed heaths .
4 If , at the time of any incident which results in a claim under this policy , there is any other insurance covering the same liability , loss or damage , General Accident will pay only its share of the claim .
5 If , at the time of any incident which results in a claim under this policy , there is any other insurance covering the same liability , loss or damage , General Accident will pay only its share of the claim .
6 Get from French , - " sitting on a branch , in the moonlight — no moon wanted , only its light on the leaves .
7 The king took from the Persians only their attack on the constitution of 1812 ; the project for a Cortes was ‘ lost ’ in the unsympathetic deliberations of the Council of Castile .
8 Any assessment of the impact of labour unions requires us to consider not only their influence on the wages and conditions of their members but also how this affects non-members in the same firm and labour in general .
9 The political weakness of the liberals reflected not only their fear of the threat from below but also the profound divisions within the middle classes .
10 If it had been implemented they would have lost not only their control over the peasantry but also virtually all authority in provincial affairs .
11 In the case of the mid-seventeenth century we find groups of current historians who share social and frequently explicit political assumptions identifying themselves with right and left , and often implicitly acknowledging that their own political agendas dictate not only their naming of the past but their unhappiness with opposing critical orientations .
12 Dr Sergei Barsamian , an original member of the Sydney University team and now involved in independent research , has outlined not only his concept of the creative process but , in simple terms , further explains the model he used to provide scientific evidence which :
13 One may remember Ioreth repeating to her cousin in Gondor that Frodo ‘ went with only his esquire into the Black Country and fought with the Dark Lord all by himself , and set fire to his Tower , if you can believe it .
14 Only his progress to the second round of Wimbledon last year proved more lucrative .
15 ‘ No , ’ said Philip , crouching , only his head in the hide .
16 Beecher , safe in Brooklyn , began sending not only his prayers for the abolitionists but arms in boxes labelled Bibles .
17 For , by 1841 , he had worked out not only his theory of the origin of species , natural selection , but also , it seems , his theory of generation ( or reproduction , including heredity , variation and so on ) , pangenesis .
18 In the 100 metres Britain 's record was dismal — only our steeplechasers in the men 's track events had done worse — with just three medals : two bronze with George Ellis in 1954 and Peter Radford four years later , and one gold from the only British sprinter ever to have won the title , Jack Archer , exactly forty years earlier .
19 The scepticism which Hume 's argument creates is not global , since it concerns only our knowledge of the unobserved .
20 In fact , the envelope the film sample came in carried a completely different company name and it was only our knowledge of the market that allowed us to recognise the source .
21 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
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