Example sentences of "only [prep] a small [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This means that the beam deflectors and gun need sweep the beam only through a small angle .
2 One limitation of this as a punishment is that it may not be very severe — it may imply a moderate loss of profit relative to the collusive agreement — and so may support collusion only for a small set of discount rates .
3 Our PSS patients rported reflux symptoms , however , only during a small fraction of the acid exposure time , as previously seen in patients with chest pain or gastro-oesophageal reflux .
4 The eight sections deal only with a small fraction of what a " big book about Greece " must have entailed , and the portions written ( covering most of those sections ) would add only about one fifth to the eventual modest length of B T. Furthermore , Nietzsche very soon decided that these particular sections of the book did not belong with the rest .
5 She looked round the room , furnished only with a small table , a steel chair with a plastic seat and a chest of drawers with a Formica top .
6 We have intentionally been cautious in our Taipei sale , only including a small selection of the contemporary paintings ’ .
7 What had previously been gossip only within a small circle had become widely known throughout the world , excepting however that substantial part of the British public which did not have international Contacts .
8 Active support Joseph could expect only from a small number of officials .
9 From collections of legal formulae we know something about the local archives of a city , in which wills and other actions were registered , and we find various officials , the defensor , curator , magister militum and other members of the local curia being called upon to open the archives for the registration of new grants , but we have Formularies only from a small number of civitates , and their contents are not often datable , except to the period before the ninth century , when most of them were written down .
10 Being useful , even if only in a small way , was a marvellous booster of confidence .
11 At first , it touched just one or two establishments , and only in a small way , but it spread with time and today it is one of the major driving forces in AEA 's business .
12 This was , though , only in a small section of the ground and appeared to be a token gesture .
13 Tamo ash is apparently a very rare , highly figured wood found only in a small region of Japan .
14 Only in a small number , with conditions and parameters like our own universe , will it be possible for intelligent life to develop and to ask the question , ‘ Why is the universe as we observe it ? ’
15 Unless they are made available for further research , data which have often been collected at great expense and with significant effort may later exist only in a small number of reports which analyse only a fraction of the research potential of the data .
16 When either the supply or the demand curve for a good or service is very inelastic , the imposition of a tax will lead only to a small change in quantity .
17 Jakobson 's poetic analyses are mostly concerned with establishing the mere presence of relationships of equivalence , and only to a small degree with discussing their significance .
18 The picture I am trying to convey , and it is one which is borne on me with passionate intensity almost every time I enter a primary school class , is of rigid and often unsuitable instruments ( the centralised curriculum plan , textbooks , methods of assessment ) imposed in situations where they do not apply or where they apply only to a small number of individuals within a group .
19 When John Howard died , ‘ Texas ’ was known only to a small number of Mexicans , American Indians and the occasional settler who had been thrown out of , or wandered away from , the established ‘ colonies ’ to the north and east .
20 ‘ The contents were known only to a small team of journalists who worked off-site on the project .
21 Third , by contrast with a modern bureaucracy , the departments of medieval government were only to a small extent defined by areas in which they worked .
22 Chain had overcome the problems which had defeated every previous experimenter with penicillin , but only on a small scale .
23 However , the threat of importation of the disease has returned , not only on a small scale relating to violation of quarantine regulations by dog owners but because the rabies virus has been spread throughout Europe into France ( UK 's nearest continental neighbour ) by the red fox and concern is rising too about rabies-infected bats in Europe .
24 In the US , some observers point out that single-mode fibre has been produced only on a small scale and the technology is not proven .
25 The end of the 17th Century therefore , found activity on both manors , but like any work in the preceding years , it was clearly only on a small scale .
26 It may delay the onset of Aids , even if only by a small amount .
27 The interior of the bus was lit only by a small torch made to look like an old lamp , the type you see in Westerns , and from what I could see I was glad there was no more light .
28 It 's hard to divine the facts of her early life since her autobiography , Lady Sings The Blues , is full of tawdry details which are as likely to be figments of a pulp imagination as they are the truth : the way she tells it , she was routinely mistreated and beaten , recruited for a brothel and more or less saved only by a small talent for holding a tune .
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