Example sentences of "only [verb] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many fewer people leave school at 16 than did when the examinations were introduced ; and more every year are being encouraged to stay at school or to leave only to go to sixth-form college , college of further education , or wherever else they may receive education that will lead to a higher accreditation .
2 Researcher : Well , you have only referred to one teacher .
3 At the same time , influential psychodynamic doctrine held that children can only relate to one set of parent figures and that psychological ties are more important than biological ones .
4 Arbitration not only led to centralised wage-fixing and a high degree of centralised decision-making by both employers and unions , as well as inhibiting the development of a strong shop steward movement , it also fostered a fragmented union movement ( Lansbury , 1978a ) .
5 An increased flow of water not only led to greater purity of the commodity , but also permitted a rebuilding of the entire sewage system .
6 Mr Callaghan 's famous speech to the 1976 Labour party conference ( subsequently cited in many Conservative party publications ) admitted that governments could not spend their way into full employment ; that way only led to more inflation and eventually more unemployment .
7 The effects of Scottish resistance were not , however , only confined to literary creation .
8 For example , we apparently only came to some understanding of how the heart worked when we had within our conceptual framework the notion of a pump .
9 But such innovations were only applied to certain traffic flows , and the old order of vacuum-braked or unfitted wagons , sprawling marshalling yards and generally lavish siding provision was allowed to linger on .
10 In S/Z Barthes is not suggesting that literary texts implicitly refer to some transcendent model : literary texts can only cross-refer to each other .
11 A spokesman for the North Western Health Board said the warning only related to Russian vodka brands bought outside the normal distribution channels .
12 Vietnam and the UK had signed an agreement in principle on forced repatriation on Oct. 29 , 1991 [ see p. 38531 ] , but Vietnam had at that time only agreed to immediate repatriation of new arrivals and so-called " double-backers " — people who had fled to the colony a second time .
13 this silent business or silent treatment er it only leads to worse trouble .
14 A relative concept highlights not only costs to physical health .
15 You ca n't link a whole range to a whole range , you can only have to one cell .
16 Note that this only applies to ordinary armour and not to magic armour which saves normally .
17 This view is supported by a passage from the first volume of Capital , in which Marx answers the objection that his theory only applies to capitalist society .
18 Of course , this test only applies to non-literal copying and the actual code remains fully protected against direct ( literal ) copying .
19 Interest payments on the first £30,000 of a mortgage paid on your own home ( the relief only applies to basic rate tax — see note below ) .
20 Moreover the Housing Act 1988 only applies to residential occupation and has no effect upon lease — licence cases with respect to business or office premises .
21 Because , by obvious reasons that can only happen to one person .
22 ‘ I 'd only gone to that debate because my wife was a steward . ’
23 When entering Germany you are supposed to pay a toll which is only charged to non-German coach operators .
24 And it 's more likely that the cloudier west coast will only struggle to ten celcius , that 's fifty farenheit .
25 Khin Nyunt , first secretary of the SLORC and head of the powerful Directorate of Defence Services Intelligence , stated that a swift transfer of power would only lead to weak government .
26 His hands tightened when she tried to step back , and Claudia , refusing a struggle that could only lead to one thing , stood very still .
27 Compassion could only lead to increased confusion , for it would be wasted on her .
28 Baker was told that human rights were an internal matter ; Yang Shangkun , warning that pressure on this issue would only lead to increased tension , suggested " seeking common ground while reserving differences " to improve relations .
29 Taking various client groups into the bureaucracy is in itself no real way forward because in that context it can only lead to professional defensiveness of the worst kind .
30 ‘ It was felt that the Government 's proposals could only lead to inadequate funding which would inevitably force many practitioners to leave duty solicitor schemes and indeed the criminal practice permanently . ’
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